Anti-Pervert Tights Become Internet Sensation in China

Hairy stockings meant to keep away perverts have caused a flood of posts on Sina Weibo, China’s version of Twitter.
Anti-Pervert Tights Become Internet Sensation in China
Want to discourage perverts (or suitors)? Try on a pair of these. A photograph of the hairy stockings that went viral in China recently. (

These days, girls in China can keep perverts away by wearing “full-leg-of-hair stockings” in public.

At least that’s what an advertisement says on Sina Weibo, China’s version of Twitter.

When a girl dons a pair of these tights, her legs look as hairy as a man’s - or hairier. Netizens passed around images of these furry stockings, which became one of the most popular posts on Sina Weibo.

The tights are “essential for all young girls going out,” the Weibo post claims.

A Huffington Post article suggests that as long as you’re trying to repel attackers, you may as well wear electric-shock underwear, too.

These aren’t the only hairy tights available in recent years. In 2010, J. Crew surprised its customers with a photo of a hairy-legged model on its website, only to reveal that the “hair” was actually part of the tights she was wearing.  

Some netizens expressed their doubt that the “anti-pervert” tights could have any effect.

“No matter what the person looks like, a predator will still strike,” Huffington Post quoted a netizen saying.

“If it has come to this, why not just wear pants?” a netizen wrote on Sina Weibo.

“This will not only prevent against perverts, it’ll definitely also result in preventing handsome guys from approaching you,” another wrote on Sina Weibo. “When things go to the extreme, they can only go the opposite direction!”

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