An Unexpected France Getaway from Dover to Dunkirk

An Unexpected France Getaway from Dover to Dunkirk
Veronica Davis

I don’t know about you, but when I think about France, I certainly don’t (well, didn’t used to) think about festivals and carnivals. Things that came to mind were the Eiffel Tower or purely romantic stuff like Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn on a cruise up the Seine. But let me tell you, when you take the time to look a little deeper, there are actually tons this place has to offer that you don’t often hear about. 

I served in Germany when I was in the Army, which is actually where I met my husband. While there, we took a few days to do a little exploring and ended up in Dover. Ok, so we didn’t just “end up” there. My (now) husband loves history and something he wanted to see while he had the chance was the Dover Castle and the vast underground tunnels. I agreed, though I honestly had no idea what he was talking about. 

An aerial view of the Dover CastleThe Dover Castle and Tunnels 

Surprisingly, this turned into quite an unforgettable trip. The castle was beautiful and the history of the tunnels make you think twice about the luxuries we have today. I couldn’t imagine having had to make use of such facilities – I mean these tunnels were home to an underground hospital, as well a place that offered protection to military troops. It really does open your eyes! We went on a guided tour that lasted roughly an hour if I remember right and I‘d do it again. In fact, someday I’d love to take the kids. 

Ferrying it Up to Dunkirk 

After spending most of the day here, we decided to head across the waterway to Dunkirk (or as it’s sometimes spelled, Dunkerque). The ferry from Dover to Dunkirk, since it seemed the cheapest option (let’s face it… the U.S. Dollar isn’t quite friendly when you’re paying in Euros!). It was huge. There were hundreds of people and even cars. Apparently, people like to take the ferry if they’re in large groups because it’s not a pay-per-person deal. Instead, you can pay by the carload. Next time though, budget pending, I'd love to take the Eurostar Train. 

So far, you’re probably thinking that everything above seems fitted to what you might expect in a place of such rich history. You may be right. And while what I’m about to talk about is also rich in history, it’s a hoot! If you love festivals and carnivals here in the U.S. you'll probably love it… 

The Dunkirk Carnival! 

From January to sometime in March (if I remember right), there’s a festival that kicks into gear on the weekends. Believe me. It’s a riot. A good riot. Started back in the 18th century, it served as a celebration so to speak with a special feast before the fisherman of the area would set out on the cold, dangerous waters of the sea. 

There are “fisherbands” who battle and sort of compete while parading down the streets. The groups of men in the fisherbands are normally decked out in bright yellow rain coats and are headed up by a festive drum major. You really have to be there to understand, but it’s a heartwarming, mad-crazy time that can leave non-locals a little confused (but having fun nonetheless!).

* Image courtesy of Wikipedia




Veronica is a wife and work at home mom. Her and her husband live in Missouri with their three boys. She has been a freelance writer for over fiver years, and has since ventured into many areas of working online and marketing online. She loves being in the kitchen, discovering new dishes the family loves and hopes to go to culinary school some day. A former Marine and ex-whitewater rafting guide, she loves the outdoors and sports.
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