America’s Next President Needs to Have Altruistic Leadership

The campaign for America’s next president is beginning to accelerate and will soon be firing on all cylinders.
America’s Next President Needs to Have Altruistic Leadership
Vincent J. Bove

The campaign for America’s next president is beginning to accelerate and will soon be firing on all cylinders.

Americans are interested, attentive, and concerned.

Recently, the GOP debate was watched by 24 million viewers, making it the highest-rated primary debate in American history.

Recently, the GOP debate was watched by 24 million viewers, making it the highest-rated primary debate in American history.

America and the International Community

During the debate, American issues were expressed as inseparable from the international community.

Numerous countries mentioned throughout the debate, by candidates and the moderators, demonstrated how critical it is to have a president who has a world perspective.

Specifically, concerns over Iran, Israel, Russia, and China were addressed most during the debate. This was followed by concerns over Iraq, Mexico, and Saudi Arabia.

America’s leadership is essential to the international community with issues critical to all that include the following: economics, employment, poverty, environmental degradation, peaceful coexistence, human rights, healthcare, and hunger.

America’s Influence Begins at Home

America’s positive influence on the international community will only be efficacious if we remedy problems right here at home.

Our nation demands altruistic leadership that can inspire remedies to our own problems including: immigration, civil rights, national security, violence prevention, veterans services, education, police-community relations, unemployment, and poverty.

America also needs leadership that can address issues of ethical deterioration witnessed through a crisis of corruption and scandals, the deterioration of the family, and a decline in patriotism.

America's positive influence on the international community will only be efficacious if we remedy problems right here at home.

Leadership will be the preeminent principle to the future of our nation and the world community. Altruism, a profound compassion for others, must be the heart of America and our next president.

An individual with an antagonistic, combative, or manipulative style of leadership will be a disservice to the nation. This is not the leader America needs.

Also, America will not benefit from a person who is arrogant, condescending, or apathetic. This individual will be aloof and unable to connect with the concerns, challenges, or difficulties of others.

The leader that America needs is authentically altruistic and unselfishly devoted to those entrusted to his care. The altruistic leader is passionately devoted to the greater good and maximizes achievements by inspiring positive influence.

Visionary Leadership Principles

America’s next president will have the responsibility to favorably influence not only the nation but the world community.

The president will need altruistic leadership principles with ethics, character, respect, and dignity as pillars.

America's next president must be able to realign the nation, inspiring an ethical society devoted to social responsibility, moral courage, and patriotic values.

In my leadership initiatives throughout the United States for law enforcement, community leaders, educators, families, and students, I have stressed altruism as the heart of the visionary leader.

It is my fervent hope that America’s next president will live by these principles, shared over the years as the following:

  • Leadership is grounded in moral self-confidence developed by understanding, fortitude, and respect for others.
  • Leadership always accepts the diversity, experiences, and insights of others and forges partnerships as essential to a noble cause.
  • Leadership is acutely aware of the efficacy of truth, honor, and valor and the destructiveness of deception, selfishness, and arrogance.
  • Leadership always opposes the immorality of injustice and disrespect toward anyone.
  • Leadership understands that influence is only possible when credibility is enhanced by character, the virtues necessary for persuasion.
  • Leadership is service, responding to the needs of community through humility, dignity, and honesty.
  • Leadership can overcome every trial, hardship, and obstacle to achieve its goal.
  • Leadership is empowered by silence, solitude, and moral courage.
  • Leadership possesses extraordinary compassion, empathy, and sensitivity that is always sincere and never superficial. It has wisdom forged through tribulation and is dedicated without compromise to alleviating human suffering.
  • Leadership challenges the status quo, inspiring action by recognizing and appreciating the goodness of others.
  • Call to Action

America’s next president must be able to realign the nation, inspiring an ethical society devoted to social responsibility, moral courage, and patriotic values.

Our president must have a balcony mentality, understanding that the eyes of the nation will be looking up to him for inspiration, guidance, and example.

The president must be fervently committed to reawakening the nation by exemplifying altruistic leadership.

America, the eyes of your people and the world are upon you.

Vincent J. Bove
Vincent J. Bove

Vincent J. Bove, CPP, is a national speaker and author on issues critical to America. Bove is a recipient of the FBI Director’s Community Leadership Award for combating crime and violence and is a former confidant of the New York Yankees. His newest book is “Listen To Their Cries.” For more information, see

Vincent J. Bove, CPP, is a national speaker and author on issues critical to America. Bove is a recipient of the FBI Director’s Community Leadership Award for combating crime and violence and is a former confidant of the New York Yankees. His newest book is “Listen to Their Cries.” For more information, see
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