The popular reality competition show on NBC, “America’s Got Talent” will return for its 9th season on Tuesday, May 27, 2014, at 8 p.m. The judges for the upcoming season will include Howard Stern, Melanie Brown (Mel B), Heidi Klum, and Howie Mandel.
The show will be hosted by Nick Cannon, who seems to be the real star of the show’s first episode.
In the season’s premiere, Cannon will arm wrestle Klum, then be part of a balancing act, then he will rollerblade with a man in a tight red jumpsuit, have a cone knocked off his head with disks, and have a pair of kids make fun of him.
Howard Stern will be part of a very alternative card trick, and then slow dance with Heidi Klum to Donnie Valentine’s squeaky rendition of a song.
The show’s contestants will be competing for the $1 million prize.