American Grassroots Politics Growing Ahead of 2022 Midterms

American Grassroots Politics Growing Ahead of 2022 Midterms
South Carolina Rep. David Hiott says a prayer as the House votes on a bill that would ban most abortions in the state, in Columbia, S.C., on Feb. 17, 2021. (Jeffrey Collins/AP Photo)
Ella Kietlinska
Joshua Philipp

Many people, especially families with school-aged children, who have never been involved with any movement or activity with the Republican Party, started realizing that the nation has been changing and their personal conservative values are being eroded, said Karen Walto, president of Sea Island Republican Women in South Carolina.

They realized they need to act to remedy the situation so they reach out to Republican activists to voice their concerns and offer help.

Lockdowns resulting from the pandemic caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, put a spotlight on what their children are being taught in school, Walto said in a recent interview on EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program.

People usually are aware that college students are inundated with liberal thoughts by their professors but during the lockdown, they discovered that the indoctrination starts in kindergarten, Walto said.

Parents are concerned that children start losing their individuality and creativity due to being educated within the same process, Walto said.

Children “might be living day to day just to eat, or they might not have a home to go into, or they get everything that they want but they don’t have parents that are engaged,” Walto explained.

This is “what happens when you bring that collective group together, teaching them the same process,” she added.

“And so for some of this, we’re starting to look at—is this the beginning of communism?” Walto said.

When Walto meets with parents at her church, where she teaches children, or with other Republicans, she noticed that they started voicing their concerns and worries. “They realize that if we don’t stick together, then we'll never, ever, be able to hold office and to have the freedoms that we have today,” Walto said.

Walto also noticed that people who voted for Joe Biden “are equally concerned of America changing ... because now they’re seeing what was hidden from them.” “They voted for Biden, and they were and they’re still to this day, definitely against the man, President Trump, not his policies,” Walto said.

They ask questions such as: “Where is the Republican party? Where are the fiscal conservatives? Where are the low taxes? Where are the concerns for the everyday worker? Why are the unions now getting special interest? Why are the words New World Order being said, by different people, even our president?” Walto said.

Those people say they will never vote for Trump but will vote for any other Republican candidate, Walto continued.

Walto receives phone calls almost daily from people who want to get involved because they do not agree with policies being implemented.

The chairman of the Republican Party in Charleston, South Carolina receives phone calls from people who invite him to come to their homes and meet with a group of concerned locals, Walto said.

Those people make decisions on who they will vote for local school board, for congress members representing their district, for their governor, and county officials so they can make a change at the local level by voting in the 2022 election, Walto continued, adding, “they know they have to get out [to vote].”

The Republican Party in South Carolina is reorganizing its precincts by bringing people together to vote and elect Republican Party leaders at the local and state levels, Walto said. She works on three precincts to involve people who can voice their concerns, get familiar with the Republican Party program and inform about it to their friends and neighbors.

Walto wants these people to give their neighbors and friends correct information because they will not receive it from the media, she said.

Therefore the work of Republican activists in her county focuses on finding people who can disseminate knowledge and information to other voters, Walto said. They are not expected to do anything else other than sharing their knowledge, she added.

A lot of people are willing to help this way, they come to meetings, Walto continued, and she promoted to them independent news outlets as a source of information.

Educated Voters

Walto advises people to be educated voters and always get information about those who they are going to vote for. She quoted a great Republican woman who said, ‘If you have to ask me who to vote for, my answer is going to be: don’t vote. Because if you don’t know who you’re voting for, you’re hurting America.’

Some Republican lawmakers currently representing people in her locality are busy producing unnecessary bills, which Walto called reaching “low hanging fruit” instead of tackling major problems such as improving South Carolina’s election law—which has flaws, Walto said.

Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) delivers the Republican response to President Joe Biden’s speech to a joint session of Congress in Washington, D.C., on April 28, 2021. (Senate Television via AP)
Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) delivers the Republican response to President Joe Biden’s speech to a joint session of Congress in Washington, D.C., on April 28, 2021. (Senate Television via AP)

The Democrats are trying to unseat South Carolina’s Republican Senator Tim Scott, as well as some county council members, Walto said. Grassroots can back them by sharing information about these candidates, she added.

Walto believes that there were two reasons why former President Donald Trump lost the race in 2020. One was that political power such as the big tech, the big government, and the big media overcame him, and then the rule of law was not followed by judges, attorneys, and sheriffs, Walto explained.

Trump’s policies are what people would vote for but due to his personality, he does not have the support of some voters whose votes he needs, especially the independent voters, Walto said.

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