American Citizen’s Father Harassed by Chinese Communist Regime

American Citizen’s Father Harassed by Chinese Communist Regime
Dr. Charles Li wishes all Chinese people in the world a happy New Year, thanks the upright people who have been rescuing and supporting him, and protests against the Chinese Communist regime's harassment towards his father (The Epoch Times)

SAN FRANCISCO - American citizen Charles Li, who last month returned to San Francisco from jail in Nanjing [mainland China], recently called his over-seventy-year-old father in China to wish him happy Chinese New Year. However, he found that the Chinese police was still continuously harassing his family. He strongly condemns such action by the Chinese Communist regime.

Charles Li mentioned that when he called his father to wish him happy [Chinese] New Year, he learned that the Chinese police was still putting pressure on him and harassing him. Li said, “The police wanted to, through my father, prevent me from telling the American public my situation while I was being persecuted in jail in China. My father is already 73 years old and has had apoplexy twice. I am very concerned about his health. I, again, condemn the Chinese Communist regime’s shameless actions and urge them to immediately stop the harassment and mental pressure towards my family.”

Li said that his father was very supportive about him practicing Falun Gong. His father has experienced each political movement carried out by the Chinese Communist regime and has already realized the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party a long time ago. During the three years in which Li was detained, although the police often harassed his family by dropping in, his father never pressured him to give up practicing Falun Gong. He said that actually a lot of Chinese people knew clearly about the Chinese Communist regime’s evil actions, but they just did not dare to speak out under such dangerous and manipulative policies in China.

This was the first New Year Li celebrated after his release. He wishes all the people who have helped and supported him in the past a happy [Chinese] New Year.

Li said, “Today is a traditional Chinese holiday—our Chinese New Year. I wish all the Chinese people in the world a happy New Year. In addition, I also want to take this opportunity to express my whole-hearted thanks to Falun Gong practitioners and righteous people from different governments and organizations for continuously rescuing and supporting me over the past three years.”