Amazon to Release New Kindle Fire And/Or Something Today

Yesterday all the tech buzz was about Nokia’s new Lumia smartphones, and today the tech headlines tell of Amazon’s probable release of the new Kindle Fire tomorrow(?). The super popular 7 inch Kindle Fire tablet is rumored to have a larger screen big brother in the wings, this any other possible Amazon products sit tantalizingly, awaiting tomorrow’s press conference.
Amazon to Release New Kindle Fire And/Or Something Today
Phil Butler

Amazon Kindle Fire via Amazon

Yesterday all the tech buzz was about Nokia’s new Lumia smartphones, and today the tech headlines tell of Amazon’s probable release of the new Kindle Fire later today(?). The super popular 7 inch Kindle Fire tablet is rumored to have a larger screen big brother in the wings, this any other possible Amazon products sit tantalizingly, awaiting later today’s press conference.

A new version, a bigger version, glow in the dark features like the increasingly popular Barnes & Noble Nook, whatever is to surface from Amazon, the world will know via a press conference scheduled for 1:30 ET. And, as if the hype and anticipation could not get any higher pitched, the once upon a time bookstore now turned technology company may even enter the Android smart device niche. What has come over Amazon?

That’s right, speculation has it that Amazon is releasing soon their own Android powered smart phone. If it is to be a smart phone announcement later today, Amazon fans can expect the new phone to on the Kindle Fire Android OS. The as yet un-designated device will apparently be intended to compete with Apple’s upcoming iPhone 5, which may be released next week.

For those readers who do not know, Amazon’s Kindle Fire was the company’s most successful such release ever. CEO Jeff Bezos noted last week in this press release, that Kindle Fire accounted for some 22% of all tablet sales in the US. The math there suggests, even with a modest success in a subsequent Kindle release, that Amazon is about to grab some more market share and profits. And if there’s a really smart, smart device in the offing...

Anticipation being what it is, that’s the early hype on what is shaping up to be a very competitive holiday season for the big players in tech. There’s no guessing in figuring Amazon will bump up their Kindle library so all those parents can set their kids to reading right, right?

By Black Friday the gadget heat should really be intense. Just in the world of tablets there’s Microsoft’s Surface, a 7-inch Google Nexus 7, Samsung’s Galaxy, the aforementioned Barnes & Noble Nook, and BlackBerry PlayBook.

Whatever comes out later today, we'll be on it. 

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Phil Butler is a publisher, editor, author, and analyst who is a widely cited expert on subjects from digital and social media to travel technology. He's covered the spectrum of writing assignments for The Epoch Times, The Huffington Post, Travel Daily News, HospitalityNet, and many others worldwide.
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