All Blacks’ Tricks at Training — Real or Fake? (Video)

The All Blacks are sharing their good sense of humour with TV and YouTube viewers in a new trick shots video.
All Blacks’ Tricks at Training — Real or Fake? (Video)
[youtube]d6o7G4gPB8M[/youtube] All Blacks players show off some tricks at trainingThe All Blacks are sharing their good sense of humour with TV and YouTube viewers in a new trick shots video that is leaving people wondering whether it is real or doctored footage.

Piri Weepu, Cory Jane and Rene Ranger are the stars of an advert on the Sky NZ Rugby Channel that demonstrates seemingly masterful skills and accuracy on camera.

In a series of training clips, the three players show off consecutive precision shots. Cory Jane says, “On the field I like to be perfect,” then proceeding to kick a line of three balls into three different barrels about 50 metres away.

So far the video has received a little over 300 hits on YouTube.

One YouTube blogger commented, “Fake but entertaining,” while another fan said, “this is real i saw them recording it.”

It remains to be seen if the boys can carry this technical prowess into their next match against the Wallabies in Hong Kong at the end of October.

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