Add some nature sounds to enhance your meditation at home

Add some nature sounds to enhance your meditation at home
Nature sound recordings can provide many hours of enjoyable nature tunes. (Photo credit Lillian Rudchenko DPC)
LJ LaValle

Meditation is an amazing way to “reset” my mind and body, and I’m learning more each time I practice.

There are many different ways to meditate, such as a nature walk, sitting in complete silence, or sitting with nature sounds playing in the background at home.

I have plenty of nature music that I play from my computer, however, most are under 15 minutes of play.

I was yearning for nature sounds that played for more than an hour.

That lead me to a search on youtube and my search results were astonishing!  

Natures’s artists


There are bird sounds, ocean waves crashing, nighttime thunder showers, crickets in the night, quiet rain showers and babbling brooks.

Most play for hours and some even play for 8 hours.


I Love to play nature sounds at home even when I’m not in my normal meditation mode. This helps me transition into a better flow when doing my chores at home, almost a meditation in itself. Doing dishes, reviewing the latest photos I’ve taken, or any of my everyday tasks feel so much better when I’m listening to nature sounds in the background.

Streaming nature tunes on the go.


You can also listen to nature sounds via Pandora, Lastfm, or youtube on your smartphone via the apps that they provide, and there are plenty to choose from.

Nature is one of my favorite musical artists and it’s one that always goes great anytime of day for me - chirp chirp.




LJ LaValle first began studying health and nutrition after confronting a health challenge back in the mid nineties in which later led to a passion in organic and natural living. After making a profound lifestyle change, LJ lost over 60 pounds and discovered many natural ways to live a healthy and wholesome life. Currently living in Brooklyn, LJ LaValle is founder of “” which caters to sharing ways to live an organic and healthy lifestyle.
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