Family Adopts Abandoned Dog on Side of Road

Epoch Video

A family saw a big dog on the side of the road and felt that he was out of place. A parent with three girls stopped to see why he was left there. They found the Great Pyrenees on the side of the highway all scruffy and in need of some care. The family decided they couldn’t bear to leave him there and took him home.

The dog was laying on the side of the road and they thought he had been hit by a car. The girls heaved him up off the side of the road. Fortunately, the dog was not hurt and they got him into the truck. However, they found out another dog had been hit.

The dog apparently had been there for more than two days. After they took the dog home, they washed him, gave him a haircut and fed him. They kept him outside in a kennel, and after a few days of having him, the dog escaped. The girls went to search for him and thankfully found him a few miles away. The dog is now a member of the family and even got a new name. Tucker has a wonderful home, three new companions and some friends! Now, Tucker is happy and healthy!

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