A Nervous but Poised Tiffany Trump Takes Center Stage at Convention


Tiffany Trump stepped onto the stage at the Republican National Convention to paint a softer picture of her father, Donald Trump.

The youngest daughter of the official Republican nominee possessed great poise as she addressed the large crowd on July 19, sharing anecdotes of her father who she said never parented “halfway.” 

A nervous Tiffany spoke of their relationship, which includes her holding onto report cards to “look back and see the sweet notes he wrote on each and every one of them;” his ability to give good advice, though “short;” the Trump formula, which is doing what you love without fear; his continuous inquiry about the well-being of her family in Georgia—her mother is Trump’s second wife, Marla Maples.

Trump supported Tiffany during one of her darkest moments.

“A few years ago, someone very dear to me passed away and the first call I got, as I knew I would, came from my father,” said the recent University of Pennsylvania graduate. “Without his unwavering support and care for me during such a challenging time, I don’t know how I would have made it through.”

The 22-year-old also said her father has contagious traits that didn’t only benefit her as well as her siblings but will also benefit the nation. The “natural born encourager” that is Trump, as described by Tiffany will bring out the best in people that will drive people to live their best lives, a trait that the next president must possess, according to Tiffany.

“That’s what he does: he draws out the talent and drive in people so that they can achieve their full potential. That’s a great quality to have in a father and better yet in the president of the United States,” she said. 

The half-sibling of Ivanka, Eric, Donald Trump, Jr., and Barron concluded her speech with some endearing words for her real estate tycoon father.

“I have admired my father all of my life, and I love him with all my heart. God bless you, and thank you,” she concluded.