A Macedonian Adventure

Macedonia is a country with exceptional diversity of resources for alternative tourism. Its relatively small territory combines uniquely preserved nature
A Macedonian Adventure
Saint Panteleimon monastery in Ohrid - Macedonia via Shutterstock*

Macedonia is a country with exceptional diversity of resources for alternative tourism. Its relatively small territory combines uniquely preserved nature with remarkable cultural and historical heritage, legends and stories from thousands of years ago, beautiful landscapes and hospitable people tolerant to differences and respecting traditions. This paradise of mountains, lakes and rivers, natural wonders, endemic flora and fauna offers great possibilities for active outdoor tours as hiking, mount and cross country biking, alpinism, rock climbing, cave exploring, speleological adventures, ski-climbing, cannoning, paragliding, scuba and discovery diving, kayaking, hunting, fishing …

In today’s world of high technology and fast paced lifestyle, we all need “to recharge our batteries”, and what better way to do that than exploring the “Land of nature” – Macedonia. 

Hike in Berovo

Berovo is surely one of the most beautiful mountainous towns in Macedonia. Small, but charming and historically rich town located in the very eastern part of Macedonia, in the central settlement of the Males area, around 180 km away from the capital Skopje. Lying on both banks of the River Bregalnica with an absolute altitude between 830-900m and favorable climate, Berovo is a town with the highest oxygen concentration at the Balkans. The average annual temperature is  11.1 °C, while the temperature in summer is around 19°C.

Berovo has an ample offer of various tourist attractions, with nature being predominant. The Mountains of Maleševo with the pine forests are even compared to the mountainous areas of Switzerland. Through five marked hiking trails (some of them suitable for mountain biking) you can reach several tourist villages, the stunning mountain scenery and lake Berovsko. If you prefer exploring  the Berovo area “on wheels”  you have the opportunity to ride part of the “Iron Curtain Trail”, a cycling route that passes through twenty European countries linking memorials, museums, and facilities commemorating Europe’s divided history  and united future.  Berovo provides an unforgettable stay with possibilities for sport and recreation, here you can have picnic with your friends, or you can see and pick medical herbs, tea plants and forest fruits. You can visit some traditional mountains ranches, seeing the traditional way of sheep herding and the making of the famous Maleševia white cheese. In one of the environmentally cleanest places in Macedonia don’t miss the chance to taste the organic, gourmet food prepared in old well-rounded recipes.

Brjacino Village

If you like to spend few days in the countryside, to  forget about the city noise, sky-high bills, taxes, to feel the communities’ daily life as it used to be in the past: calm, simple and tranquil, Brjacino is the perfect place for you. In the past few years Brjacino is becoming  the “Mecca” for foreigners, and a pioneer of the village tourism in Macedonia.  This fairytale village is situated on the east side of Prespa Lake, in one of the deeper western bosom of Baba Mountain and in the middle of the picturesque valley of Brajcinska River amphitheater. With an altitude of about 1000 m this village represents a real air spa, and a challenge for fans of mountaineering especially during the spring and summer when the days are long and sunny, and the nights crisp.

The surroundings of this centuries old village is full of lush vegetation and diverse forest that is suitable for long walks on the marked hiking trails. Unique of these regions are the screeds made by nature from broken stone blocks that look like river from stones. When you are here, you can enjoy walking or cycling, hiking up to the Grand Lake Pelister, or simply, take advantage of the clean fresh air and divine nature. Through dense beech forest along the river Brajcinska extends 6 km long walking and bicycle path that with the noise of the water and  the shadows of the beech is ideal for both rest and recreation.

For cultural experience we advise you to take a walk on the marked circle path around the village leading to the monastery St. Petka and other five churches.  As the sun sets down enjoy in the tasty organic village food accompanied with the sound of traditional Macedonian music. Have in mind that everything around you is natural. The traditional dishes that host families offer their guests are prepared from homemade eco products. People here produce everything on their own – beans, onions, papers, tomatoes… Every family has one cow and they can always serve their guests fresh warn milk. 

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Copyright © 2015 by My Destination. This article was written by Marko Aleksov & Snezana Saramandova and originally published at My Destination Macedonia.

*Image of Saint Panteleimon monastery in Ohrid - Macedonia via Shutterstock

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