7 Headlines You Won’t Read Anywhere Else Today: March 15

A look at our world through local headlines on March 15, 2014: “Siberian princess goes global 2,500 years after her death,” “Buried in Kuwait,” and more.
7 Headlines You Won’t Read Anywhere Else Today: March 15
Bronze Age paintings in Pazyryk, Siberia, the same place a 2,500 mummy was found. The mummy of a Princess Ukok is covered in tattoos, one of which was used as a design at the 2014 Winter Paralympics. Shutterstock*
Tara MacIsaac

Siberia: Siberian princess goes global 2,500 years after her death

Her ancient tattoo is a showpiece of the glittering opening ceremony for the Sochi Paralympics.

Known as ‘Princess Ukok’, her superbly-preserved remains were found in a permafrost burial chamber high in the Altai Mountains of Southern Siberia. 

The ancient mummy of the mysterious young woman - her body covered in entrancing tattoos - is now kept in a glass sarcophagus at a special mausoleum at the Republican National Museum in capital Gorno-Altaisk. ... (Read more)

Siberian Times

The 2,500-year-old mummy of Princess Ukok in Siberia. Note the tattoos on her arm. (Wikimedia Commons)


Romania: Group of Romanian MPs proposes chemical castration for child sex offenders

A group of 27 MPs from the Social Democratic Party PSD proposed chemical castration for offenders who commit sexual abuse on children. ... (Read more)

Romania Insider


Switzerland: Skiing meshes with yoga on St. Moritz piste

Ski-yoga is more than a fashionable gimmick, as The Local’s Emily Mawson learns when she finds her skiing improving on St. Moritz’s new yoga piste — the first of its kind in the world.

High above the glistening Engadine valley in a gondola tightly packed with harassed half-term skiers, Sabrina Nussbaum emanates an air of calm.

It is infectious – I would normally feel stressed, but I don’t. And this is exactly what the 49-year-old yoga snow sport instructor (known locally as ‘the angel’ after her first aid help at two ski accidents this winter) hopes to teach with her ‘Yoga on Snow’ piste in St. Moritz. ... (Read More)

The Local


New Zealand: Gran has thumb on pulse of Gen X, Y

Octogenarian Elizabeth Ruffell is in the vanguard of older New Zealanders for whom texting and the internet is overtaking face-to-face contact with family and friends. The Christchurch woman, 83, uses Facebook to keep up with many of her 22 grandchildren and is also a dab hand at texting and Skyping.

“I keep in touch with the younger generation through Facebook and often through Skype as well,” she told the Weekend Herald. “I can see my grandchildren growing up - sometimes I know things that the parents don’t know.”

Mrs Ruffell, who gained computer skills in 1999 through a SeniorNet learning centre and was then recruited to teach others, is in good company. ... (Read more)

New Zealand Herald


Kenya: Illegal Ripening of Fruits Exposes Millions to Cancer

In an investigation in Kenya and India, writer Kiprotich Koros, discovers how corrupt businessmen use cancer-causing chemicals to ripen fruits. Officials now warn millions of people risk early grave by eating fruits laced with these chemicals. ... (Read more)

The Star via All Africa


Kuwait: Buried in Kuwait

With the wide variety of nationalities living in Kuwait who also have different beliefs and religions, Kuwait has provided different cemeteries. … (Read more)

Kuwait Times


Australia: Universities spend billions in race to be the best

The University of Sydney plans to spend $2.5 billion transforming its historic campus, as a building arms race between higher education providers reaches unprecedented levels. ... (Read more)

Sydney Morning Herald

*Image of Bronze-Age paintings in Siberia via Shutterstock