5 Ways to Drink Your Coffee the Right Way (Video)

Here are five ways that will prove you have been drinking coffee the wrong way all this time.
Epoch Video

Here are five ways that will prove you have been drinking coffee the wrong way all this time.

1.  What do you do with your leftover coffee? Pour it out. Instead, freeze your old coffee in an ice tray and mix it with some milk for an instant Iced Latte. It tastes perfectly right. 

2. Why power your way through bitter coffee when you can add a pinch of salt to counteract the bitterness. As, salt blocks your tongue from the bitter molecules. 

3. You have been drowning your coffee in sugary flavoring always. As an alternative, try grinding in some natural flavor like cinnamon sticks or fresh orange rind. There is definitely no going back after this. 

4. You have been adding cold milk to your coffee always. Instead try this trick  of turning your milk into a latte foam by filling half the jar with milk, and giving it a good 30- second shake. Then, pop the jar in the microwave for another 30 seconds and see what happens. A beautiful foamy goodness, in just 60 seconds. 

5. The best way to keep track of your old coffee is by using two foam cups. Mark it with when you made it. One simple solution to a big problem. 

Now, make sure to use all these tricks and have fun drinking your coffee the right way. 

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