4 Essential Apps for Productive Business Owners

4 Essential Apps for Productive Business Owners
productive apps
Adam Torkildson

Statistics just released by the United States Census Bureau show that small and medium businesses make up 30.7 percent of the total employment picture. Add very small businesses, with fewer than ten employees, and the figure rises to 48.5 percent.

Each one of these businesses has an owner (or owners) who depend, to a greater or lesser extent, on smart phones and their apps. As smartphones continue to evolve, there will be a larger and larger variety of apps to choose from. There are a bewildering variety of apps available for the distracted business owner, so it’s important to choose only the most essential apps that are focused on your business needs.  

These apps can give you a big boost as a business owner:

1. MailChimp

Email marketing campaigns can be extremely effective, if they are tracked well so the data can be analyzed correctly and completely. E-newsletters are a big part of this, so an easy and clean app on your iPhone that lets you access updates whenever you want is a smart choice. MailChimp is one such platform that helps you keep track of subscriber profiles.

However, if your list is out-of-date your emails will never be read or will go straight to the spam folder. It’s important to continually update and add to your list of email subscribers. US Data Corporation, a database information service, can help you optimize your mobile email list of business or consumers. US Data Corporation can help you get your emails to your exact target audience based on geography, demographics, and more to make sure you can communicate with your target audience.

2. Adobe Reader

Adobe Reader is a must if you are often out of the office but still need to work on important PDF documents. With this app you can add signatures and do essentially all the editing that you could do on a laptop or desk computer. With the Adobe free account you can sync and store your documents in the cloud for no charge.

3. Splashtop Business

The Splashtop Business app makes it possible to access your work computer from anywhere at any time as long as there is a good Wi-Fi connection. Your iPhone screen becomes, in effect, your work computer screen. The interface is clean and easy to use. This app allows you to carry your office computer everywhere without it having to actually leave your office.

4. CamCard

Where do you put the dozens of business cards you receive over the course of a month? Inevitably, they become lost and/or disorganized, so when you need one you can’t find it. CamCard acts as a business card scanner with your smartphone. It not only files them away where they can’t be lost, but if the person also has an account on CamCard you can access additional information about them that they have added to their profile.

Aristotle Onassis said “The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows.” Or better yet, to have an app that your competitors don’t know about yet!

What sets me apart is that I understand and can write code, have built and run a number of my own media properties, and have taken investments and been in partnerships (some that failed, some that are still running today) that have given me a nearly 360 degree view of running a business from product sourcing to customer relationships.
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