2012 Venus Transit (Photos & Videos)

A Venus transit took place on June 5/6 with Venus being visible as a tiny black dot moving across the sun.
2012 Venus Transit (Photos & Videos)
Venus completely off the sun and backlit by only the corona, shot at the wavelength of 193 angstroms. NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/SDO
Epoch Times Staff

A Venus transit took place on June 5/6 with Venus being visible as a tiny black dot moving across the sun. The next Venus transit isn’t due until 2117. A transit of Venus occurs when the sun, Venus, and Earth line up in a perfect row, allowing observers on Earth to see the planet’s silhouette. Below are a compilation of photos and videos from the event.

Photo gallery with a sequence of images of the Venus transit, from the live feed by NASA’s Earth-orbiting Solar Dynamics Observatory:

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<a href="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/171_Transit_Lineup.jpg"><img class="wp-image-248346" title="Sequence of images of the transit shot at the wavelength of 171 angstroms composited together to show the path of Venus. (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/SDO)" src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/171_Transit_Lineup-676x379.jpg" alt="Sequence of images of the transit shot at the wavelength of 171 angstroms composited together to show the path of Venus. (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/SDO)" width="750" height="421"/></a>
Sequence of images of the transit shot at the wavelength of 171 angstroms composited together to show the path of Venus. (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/SDO)
<a href="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/193_Egress_Complete.jpg"><img class="size-full wp-image-248384" title="Venus completely off the sun and backlit by only the corona, shot at the wavelength of 193 angstroms. (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/SDO)" src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/193_Egress_Complete-676x382.jpg" alt="Venus completely off the sun and backlit by only the corona, shot at the wavelength of 193 angstroms. (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/SDO)" width="750" height="424"/></a>
Venus completely off the sun and backlit by only the corona, shot at the wavelength of 193 angstroms. (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/SDO)


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