1200 Bee Stings Survivor Still Suffering (Video)

A 65-year-old man is still recovering from 1200 stings two weeks after being attacked by a swarm of bees in Texas.
1200 Bee Stings Survivor Still Suffering (Video)
[youtube]vFmPuj0ZNrY[/youtube] 1200 bee stings survivor story.

A 65-year-old man is still recovering from 1200 bee stings, two weeks after being attacked by a swarm of the insects, Seven News reported.

Lamar LaCaze was convinced he was going to die on Aug. 31 when he was attacked by the bees whilst on his tractor, mowing a field. In an AP interview he said he felt so weak as his body started shutting down.

The bees made their way up the Texan’s nose and into his ears and mouth.

Emergency hospital staff had to pull out more than 1200 stings from his bruised body, Seven News reported.

Amazingly the victim was able to get down from his tractor and call his son on his mobile phone to come and rescue him.

His son, Trey LaCaze, told the San Marcos Daily Record that when he reached his father, it “looked like a beehive on his head.”

“Anyone who can survive that many bee stings is Superman,” his wife Lois said, according to the Daily Telegraph.

“We’re just pleased he’s with us - just happy he’s alive,” she added.

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