100,000 People Patrol Guangzhou, Target Foreigners

China initiated a security program called the “Peaceful Olympics” in the capital city of Guangdong.
100,000 People Patrol Guangzhou, Target Foreigners
Security Staffs stand on the Olympic Green in Beijing (Michael Kappeler/AFP/Getty Images)

<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/olingf82171993.jpg" alt="Security Staffs stand on the Olympic Green in Beijing  (Michael Kappeler/AFP/Getty Images)" title="Security Staffs stand on the Olympic Green in Beijing  (Michael Kappeler/AFP/Getty Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1834599"/></a>
Security Staffs stand on the Olympic Green in Beijing  (Michael Kappeler/AFP/Getty Images)
GUANGZHOU—China initiated a special action called the “Peaceful Olympics” on July 28 in the capital city of Guangdong Province, China. Over 100,000 people are patrolling and guarding main routes and entrances all over Guangzhou. At the top of the list to be searched and interrogated are foreigners.

According to the Yangcheng Evening News in Guangzhou, Tianhe District Police have gathered around 1,000 police officers to carry out registrations and search all rentals and accommodated sauna centers. Those who are found are recorded and matched in the system.

The report said police authority and the Comprehensive Treatment Office of Guangzhou recruited over 100,000 people, who wear red sleeve bands and carry whistles, to help police patrol the region and control society.

Authorities initiated an action, code named “Moat,” which setup 21 all-day checkpoints in five layers on the city’s major routes and entrances to check or block people, vehicles, and materials from entering. “Moat” also uses video monitoring systems and has thirteen major posts to watch the city and maintain comprehensive control over the city.

In addition, Guangzhou police launched a “three-illegal” (illegal immigration, illegal residency, and illegal employment) investigation of foreigners. They plan to take legal action against foreigners who do not carry a passport, did not register for accommodation, or those of the “three no’s” (no regular or permanent address, no income, or no related recipient.)

Meanwhile, authorities in Guangzhou have also assigned police officers as security specialists who are to conduct surveillance of local. They are to thoroughly check companies that handle weapons, explosives, and poisons to prevent any incidents.

Police authorities also increased security checks of subway passengers, carry-on bags to block any flammables, explosives, or poisons from entering the subway.

Authorities added patrols on key traffic routes, around the Pearl River, and the subway system. Armed patrols will appear in crowded areas in downtown Guangzhou and surrounding areas.

Police authorities claim that they will heavily crack down on crimes and reward anyone who provides tips and said they will amply reward those who can offer clues on “Olympic-related crimes,” once verified.

Police indicate that the “Peaceful Olympics” are designed to ensure that large scale events run smoothly such as the Olympic Scientific Conference to be held in Guangzhou this August.

However, some claim that the increase in security is just another way for China to exercise more control over the populous.

Original Aritlce in Chinese: http://news.epochtimes.com/gb/8/7/28/n2207814.htm