#1 Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar

#1 Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar
Daniel Bryan (left) Brock Lesnar (right) (bing.com)
Zachary Stallings

Top Five Matches that should happen before WrestleMania 31: #1

Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, enough said right. Daniel Bryan right now is arguably the best wrestler in the world today. He is also arguably the most popular star in the company right now. When it comes to Brock Lesnar it’s almost the complete opposite. No one would say that Brock Lesnar is the best wrestler in the world (except Paul Heyman), but they would argue that he is the most dominant. Brock Lesnar  may also be the most hated wrestler in the world, because he ended The Undertaker’s streak at WrestleMania 30. Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship is a match that is bound to happen; the only question is when?

Right now Daniel Bryan is in a feud with The Authority (Stephanie McMahon and HHH), this feud (in my opinion) will last until Summer Slam. Summer Slam would be the perfect place for the Daniel Bryan, Authority feud to end because that is where it began last year. Summer Slam would also be a good place for Brock Lesnar to return, and let Daniel Bryan know that he is gunning for him. Whoever Daniel faces at Summer Slam, he should beat, and right after he beats him Paul Heyman should walk out and simply point at the ring; then Lesnar’s music would hit. Lesnar would walk down to the ring and leave Bryan laying on the floor beaten, and probably through an announcer table.

When Lesnar returns he will demand a title shot on the basis that he is the only man to ever defeat The Undertaker at WrestleMania. Bryan will accept the challenge because of the way Lesnar viciously attacked him at Summer Slam. Bryan and Lesnar will go back and forth until WWE’s Pay-Per-View Survivor Series.

With the rivalry possibly lasting three matches Daniel could potentially drop the title to Lesnar, probably at the Pay-Per-View Hell in a Cell. Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar could turn into one of the best rivalries ever. This match would be your typical David vs Goliath story; Daniel Bryan being the smaller and out powered wrestler trying to conquer the dominate warrior that seems unbeatable, Brock Lesnar. This rivalry could be great for both men because it will push them to new levels. Lesnar for the first time since his return to WWE will be in the ring with a fast, unpredictable opponent that can do just about anything in the middle of the ring. In turn Daniel will be facing one of the most dominant big men to ever step foot in WWE. Lesnar although big is deceptively quick and agile, a combination of skills that Bryan has yet to face.

Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship could become a rivalry that fans talk about for a long time. When and if these two finally cross path it could be epic. On one side you’re going to have one of the most popular and well-known names in the WWE. Then on the other you have one of the most dominate and gifted athletes the world has ever seen. Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar is it going to happen, I don’t know, but if it does the WWE fans will be in for one heck of a rivalry.  

I'm a writer pursuing a career in sports journalism. The two main areas I cover are Professional Wrestling and the sport of boxing. I hope you enjoy reading my articles.
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