Sky Turns Dark in Beijing as Chinese Regime Convenes for Annual Political Meeting

Epoch Video

The two annual political plenary sessions of the communist regime began on May 21 in Beijing. In past years, the meetings were held in early March. This year, they were postponed to May due to the CCP virus outbreak.

On May 21, Beijing’s sky suddenly turned black, along with lightning bolts and heavy hail.

The video shows Beijing at 3 p.m. when the day suddenly turned dark along with thunder, lightning, and heavy rain on May 21, 2020.

Man says: “Beijing, at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.”

Thunderbolts in Beijing at 3:30 p.m. on May 21, 2020.

Woman says: It is 3:40 p.m. and Beijing is dark as night.

Man 1: Come on, give us lightning. Man 1: Where are you? I can’t even see you. (laugh)

3:50 p.m., heavy rain and the day is as dark as night in Beijing. Woman says: What time is it now? 3:50 p.m. Wow! The lightning.

Man1: Right at this time, look at Beijing, what is it now? Look at the sky, wow, it’s so dark. It’s really scary. Heavy rain is coming for sure. Man 2: It is May 21, just past 3 p.m. in Beijing. It’s already dark as night. Isn’t this bizarre? It’s only 3 o’clock and the sky has already turned dark. Man 3: May 21, 2020, 4 p.m. See how dark it is. Woman: It’s dark already. Can’t see anything now.

May 21, Beijing. Heavy rains. Woman: It’s rainy. I didn’t bring my umbrella. Can’t leave now.

In the afternoon of May 21, the hail struck Beijing.

A netizen commented, “Even heaven says this is the darkest tyranny in human history.”

Another netizen commented, “Heaven extinguishes the Chinese Communist Party.”

There’s also a netizen who made a comparison to the day on May 20 when Taiwanese president Tsai was sworn in for a second term: “On the day President Tsai Ing-wen was inaugurated, a typhoon that was about to land had disappeared, and even the rainy season had stopped. Like magic! It didn’t rain in Taipei! Today, there are two meetings in Beijing. Beijing should display typical fine spring weather at this time of year. Instead, it was dark as the night, and hail attacks… This is God’s might!”

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