Around 500 Active Investigations Into Arson, Destruction Of Property Stemming From Riots: AG Barr

Around 500 Active Investigations Into Arson, Destruction Of Property Stemming From Riots: AG Barr
U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr speaks during a roundtable meeting on seniors with U.S. President Donald Trump in the Cabinet Room at the White House in Washington on June 15, 2020. Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images
The Daily Caller News Foundation

Attorney General William Barr said Thursday that the Department of Justice is conducting about 500 investigations into acts of arson and destruction associated with the protests and riots over the past several weeks.

The DOJ is ramping up investigations into the activists who participated in the destruction of private and public property over the last several weeks, Barr said during an episode of the Verdict podcast with Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas.

“We’ve had scores of indictments so far for such things as arson, destruction of federal property,” Barr said, adding that the DOJ is going full bore on a probe. “We have right now about 500 investigations underway, so it’s picking up pace. We are committed to holding accountable the people who engaged in this.”

He added: “State and local are not doing their jobs.”
Protesters confronts riot police in front of a burning police car during a protest against police brutality in Miami, Fla., on May 30, 2020. (Adam DelGiudice/AFP via Getty Images)
Protesters confronts riot police in front of a burning police car during a protest against police brutality in Miami, Fla., on May 30, 2020. Adam DelGiudice/AFP via Getty Images

Barr called the ongoing violence “domestic terrorism” in a press statement in May.

“[T]he voices of peaceful and legitimate protests” have become “hijacked by violent and radical elements” consisting of “outside radicals and agitators” who are “exploiting the situation to pursue their own separate, violent, and extremist agenda,” the Republican attorney general said in the May 31 statement.

“It is time to stop watching the violence and to confront and stop it,” the statement read. “The continued violence and destruction of property endangers the lives and livelihoods of others, and interferes with the rights of peaceful protestors, as well as all other citizens.”

By Chris White
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