Arizona Lawmakers Propose Civic Participation Act to Boost Youth Participation in Government

Arizona Lawmakers Propose Civic Participation Act to Boost Youth Participation in Government
Young supporters cheer President Donald Trump at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Md., on Feb. 23, 2018. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Allan Stein

Arizona lawmakers have announced bipartisan legislation that would lower the age of eligibility to run for elected office in the state legislature to 18 from 25.

The filing of the Arizona Civic Participation Act comes in the wake of a historic turnout of young voters in the 2022 midterm elections. The legislation aims to boost participation among the young demographic in state politics.

“This election is another step in engaging our state’s youth, which started with the American Civics Act of 2015,” state Rep. Matt Gress, a Republican, said in a statement announcing the legislation.

“Arizona’s young leaders are resilient, having overcome many personal, unprecedented challenges like a global pandemic. I’m honored to push this legislation forward that encourages more young people to participate in the legislative process and involves them more in Arizona policy.”

Other key proponents of the Civic Participation Act include Arizona state Reps. Austin Smith, a Republican, and Cesar Aguilar, a Democrat, two of the youngest members of the state’s partisan caucuses and legislature.

The legislation would lower the eligibility age for any legal citizen to run for elective office in the Arizona House and Senate to 18 from 25.

Arizona ranks among the states with the highest age requirement for legislative office, along with Colorado and Utah. As of 2019, 43 states require a minimum age of 25 to serve in the state legislature, while 12 states have a set age requirement of 18.

States with no specified minimum age are North Dakota, Alaska, Vermont, and Ohio.

The average age of an Arizona lawmaker is 54, reflecting the highest number of Baby Boomers in the statehouse. However, Arizona’s most extensive voting demographics are Millennials and Generation Zs.

The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement reports that young voter turnout in Arizona is on the rise. It increased 16 percentage points to 26 percent, from 2014 to 2018.

Between 2016 and 2020, turnout rose by 18 points, to 51 percent from 33 percent.

“Young Americans aren’t just becoming the largest demographic in the country, but the most involved,” Smith said in a statement.

“As one of the youngest members of this year’s Arizona state legislature, part of my role is to offer different perspectives on issues affecting people from my generation. We have many young, emerging state leaders looking to positively impact our communities.”

Smith said the Arizona Civic Participation Act will empower young people to become more meaningfully engaged in the civic process, “which only helps build a better future for Arizona.”

As a North Valley Young Republican, Nico Delgado proposed the legislation hoping to galvanize youth interest in the legislative process.

In a statement, Delgado said the Arizona Civic Participation Act would encourage young civic leaders to “step forward now.”

“You’re never too young to be a patriot,” he said. “If you’re old enough to serve our country in the military, you should also have the opportunity to elect peers that reflect your views and values. “