Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward says her state’s Republican electors, who on Dec. 14 cast their votes for President Donald Trump, believe they “represent the legally cast votes in our state.”
Republican electors in seven states, including Arizona, cast alternative Electoral College votes for Trump, which critics argue are merely symbolic and have no force of law. Meanwhile, the same seven states, which have officially certified the election for Joe Biden, formally appointed Democrat electors to cast their votes for the former vice president, setting up a possible showdown when Congress meets on Jan. 6 to review the potentially competing sets of electoral votes.
“It was required as part of our duties so that, on January 6, the correct electors can be recognized whenever Congress gets back together,” Ward said. “If the true electors were not sent, then that would also create more chaos than we already have,” she added, echoing the perspective of GOP representatives in other battleground states who described the reasoning behind casting a competing set of electoral votes.
Republican electors in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, New Mexico, and Nevada all cast alternative votes for Trump on Dec. 14. While these GOP votes didn’t appear to have the backing of any governor or state legislature, it’s presumed they'll be transmitted to Congress for consideration during the Joint Session of Congress, when the House of Representatives and Senate meet on Jan. 6, 2021, to count the votes and declare a winner of the presidential contest.
The Republican majority leaders in those states didn’t immediately respond to a question by The Epoch Times about whether the GOP electoral votes had the formal support of any legislators.

Several Republican members of Congress have said they would attempt to object to the counting of the Electoral College votes for some states, which would then trigger a series of debates and votes.
White House adviser Stephen Miller told Fox News on Dec. 14 that the votes cast by the alternate groups of GOP electors could lead to Trump’s reelection.
“The only date in the Constitution is January 20. So we have more than enough time to right the wrong of this fraudulent election result and certify Donald Trump as the winner of the election,” Miller said on “Fox & Friends,” referring to Inauguration Day.
“As we speak today, an alternate slate of electors in the contested states is going to vote, and we’re going to send those results up to Congress.”
Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) said Miller’s suggestion will fail.
Since Election Day, Trump and third-party groups have pursued legal challenges to the outcome of the election in six states. None of the efforts have so far borne fruit, including an interstate Supreme Court challenge brought by Texas and backed by 19 Republican attorneys general.