Apple, Inc. has been facing increasing regulatory scrutiny in several countries over its anti-competitive practices.
Pavel Durov, cofounder of cloud-based instant messaging service Telegram, on Monday came down hard on Apple in a post on his public telegram channel.
While stating that the Telegram Web application works great on mobile devices, the tech executive said it hasn’t been able to reach native-app level quality on iOS. This is because Apple limits web developers in terms of what they can do on iPhones and iPads, he reasoned.
Durov noted that, in April, Telegram Web developer shared a list of 10 issues with the iOS Safari browser that Apple has refused to fix. The same issue has been raised by other developers as well, he added.
Apple may be “intentionally crippling” its web apps to force users to prefer native apps, where it has the leeway to charge a 30 percent commission, Durov stated.
The Telegram cofounder also referred to a statement from the U.K.’s Competition and Markets Authority, wherein the agency expressed concerns that Apple’s ban on alternatives to its own browser engine on its mobile devices seriously inhibits the capability of web apps, depriving consumers and businesses of the full benefits of this innovative technology.
The executive expressed hopes that regulatory action would be taken.
“It’s sad that, more than ten years after Steve Job’s death, a company that once revolutionized mobile web turned into its most significant roadblock,” Durov said.
Apple closed Monday’s session 3.83 percent lower at $131.88, according to Benzinga Pro.