Apple Drinks for Food Poisoning and Cold Winter Mornings

Apple Drinks for Food Poisoning and Cold Winter Mornings

Many years ago, when I had to travel between Adelaide, Australia, and Singapore for my work, one of my clients called to cancel an appointment. Her reason was a bout of food poisoning. Although it was mild, it was still quite unpleasant, and she had nausea and abdominal discomfort. 

I asked her if she had organic, macrobiotic-quality umeboshi plums, apple juice, or an apple at home. She replied affirmatively to the latter, so I gave her instructions over the telephone about what to do with the apple she had found in her refrigerator. The following morning she called and said the cooked apple was indeed helpful.

Apple Drink for Food Poisoning

• 1 apple
• 1 cup filtered water
• Pinch of sea salt (optional)

Peel the apple with a potato peeler or knife. You do not have to peel off the skin if the apple is organic. Grate the apple.

Put the cup of water in a pot and bring it to a boil. Add the grated apple and cook it for about 2 minutes over low heat. Add a pinch of good-quality sea salt. Simmer for another 2 to 3 minutes. 

Pour the lightly cooked grated apple in a bowl and eat while it is still warm.

If you have a jar of organic applesauce in your panty, it can also be used for this purpose. Simply boil some water and add two to three tablespoons of the applesauce. 

Kuzu Apple Drink 

The best thing about using food as medicine is that you can enjoy the healing properties of foods without being unwell. This recipe with apples and kuzu (or kudzu) is one of my favorite apple recipes. 

Kuzu is a starchy root in the pea family and an ancient natural remedy that is highly valued in China and Japan for its healing properties. As a thickener, kuzu is a superior and healthier substitute to corn and potato starches, which are highly processed.

If your local natural food store does not carry kuzu, you can order it online. Here are the ingredients:

• 2 apples 
• 2 to 3 cups water (preferably filtered)
• 1 teaspoon kuzu powder
• 1 tablespoon goji berries (optional)
• Pinch of sea salt

Wash the apples and cut away any blemished parts. Cut the apples into quarters and chop into bite-size chunks. Bring the water to a boil and add the apples, goji berries, and salt. Cook over low to medium heat for a few minutes. Do not overcook the apples.

Dissolve the kuzu powder in a small amount of cold water and pour it in to the pot. Stir gently until the liquid clears and thickens. Remove from the heat and pour mixture into individual serving bowls. 

The above recipe serves two people and makes a nice addition for breakfast, especially on cold winter mornings. Lightly cooked fruits are also more digestible and more nourishing than raw foods. 

Apples in the form of warm apple juice, applesauce, and cooked apples, act upon the liver and gall bladder energies, according to Chinese medicine. When cooked with kuzu, apple not only perks up the liver and gall bladder energy meridians, but also promotes good digestion. 

Today, goji berries are considered a super health food. In Chinese medicine, goji berries are known to benefit the kidney and liver meridians and to improve eyesight. 

These natural food remedies are for maintaining your health and wellness. They are not meant to replace your medical treatment. If you have a diagnosed condition or are in doubt, you should always seek medical advice.

Dr. Margaret Trey has a doctorate in counseling from The University of South Australia. She was trained in oriental medicine, shiatsu, and macrobiotics, and was the director of Spirit Shiatsu in Australia for over 10 years. Now based in New York, she writes and continues her research on the effects of meditation on health and wellness.