Anonymous Online Website Claims Credit for Sabotage of Coastal GasLink Pipeline

Anonymous Online Website Claims Credit for Sabotage of Coastal GasLink Pipeline
Millions of dollars in damage was done to Coastal GasLink construction site by attackers who destroyed buildings and heavy equipment, as photographed during a site visit on Feb. 19, 2022. Courtesy of Coastal GasLink
Marnie Cathcart
A Feb. 24 blog post on a website called BC Counter-Info takes credit for a long list of alleged acts of apparent vandalism to several sections of the Coastal GasLink pipeline since last October.

Once completed, the $14.5 billion, 670-kilometre pipeline will bring natural gas from Dawson Creek, B.C., to a processing and export plant in Kitimat, B.C.

TC Energy, the Calgary-based company constructing the pipeline, says it’s taking anonymous threats made against the project seriously and that the situation is part of a trend of escalating violence by eco-activists.

A TC Energy spokesperson told The Epoch Times the company is aware of anonymous claims being made “on an anarchist website of a coordinated sabotage attack on the project.”

Ellis Ross, the B.C. MLA for the Skeena riding, took to Twitter on Feb. 26 to express outrage at the anonymous website, stating that “ecoterrorists” were “intentionally turning a pipeline into a weapon knowing full well that people can get hurt.”
“It’s intimidation and violence!” he wrote. “Surely some level of gov’t is looking into this!”

Claims of Vandalism

The website in question claims to have vandalized several sections of the Coastal GasLink pipeline over the past few months.

“A few holes in the pipeline here, some corroded welding seams there, damaged concrete here. Our goal was to contribute to the small delays in a project that was already well over budget,” states the author, called “Anonymous Contributor.”

The website provides a list of alleged damage which included claims of drilling holes in the pipe and covering it with fiberglass film, or alternatively, epoxy putty, before the pipes are lowered in trenches, and damaging pipes by chipping and sanding coatings intended to protect pipes from corrosion and rust.

“We poured hydrochloric acid on the concrete pipes we knew were meant for the tunnel under Wedzin Kwa and used a concrete drill inside the pipe to weaken them even further,” claimed the anonymous poster.

“We damaged the protective coating on a section of pipe by chipping and grinding, and chipped a welded seam on several sections of pipe before they were backfilled between Kilometer 377 and 380 of section 5 of the pipeline. This work was performed in early January.”

Millions of dollars in damage was done to the Coastal GasLink construction site in February 2022, by attackers who hijacked heavy equipment, as photographed during a site visit on Feb. 19, 2022. (Courtesy of Coastal GasLink)
Millions of dollars in damage was done to the Coastal GasLink construction site in February 2022, by attackers who hijacked heavy equipment, as photographed during a site visit on Feb. 19, 2022. Courtesy of Coastal GasLink

The most recent claimed act of vandalism was in mid-February, which involved scraping and chipping “large portions of the pipe coating of the string between kilometres 626 and 629.”

However, after listing 10 acts of vandalism, the anonymous poster said: “Or is that in fact what happened? Only some of these activities have actually taken place.”

The blog states that “false reports” have been deliberately included to “use every means at our disposal to delay construction as best we can.”

“So the only way to know where repairs are really needed is to excavate and re-examine all the above-mentioned pipes,” taunts the blog, titled “Treasure Hunt for Coastal Gaslink.”

RCMP Investigating

RCMP E Division Staff Sergeant Kris Clark said the police are “aware of ongoing efforts by some individuals and groups to delay or obstruct the work of Coastal GasLink.” Clark said while he could not be specific, the RCMP is fully investigating “all incidents of damage to infrastructure or equipment.”

The Coastal GasLink spokesperson said the company is cooperating with the RCMP in an investigation of the vandalism claims, as well as prioritizing the safety of work crews and the surrounding communities.

TC Energy says that while it has “no evidence at this time to suggest tampering has occurred,” the project’s quality assurance team has “initiated a review of the anarchist claims.”

“From the time trenching begins to the point the pipeline is backfilled, there are inspections at every step of the way. Our teams use state-of-the-art pipeline safety systems to carefully inspect every section of pipe, not to mention the rigorous testing we do before the pipeline is commissioned,” said TC Energy.

The company said while it was aware there may be individuals not in favour of projects like the Coastal GasLink, “threats of tampering, sabotage, and violence are never justified.”

Other Attacks

In February 2022, Coastal GasLink workers on the night shift at a remote construction site in B.C. were attacked by a group of 20 masked, axe-wielding assailants who threatened workers and damaged equipment worth tens of thousands of dollars, according to TC Energy.
The company also points to an attack in October 2022 when emergency vehicles and a BC Hydro vehicle in Smithers were torched in a deliberate arson. Four RCMP vehicles and one ambulance were damaged or destroyed in what police called a targeted attack.

One of the vehicles damaged was part of a task force addressing energy industry incidents.

“Attacks to energy infrastructure should concern all Canadians,” said TC Energy.

The company said regardless of the authenticity of the anonymous website claims, the intention is “to delay our project and spread fear and violence.”

According to TC Energy, the pipeline project is employing thousands of individuals from indigenous and local communities in the province.

“They deserve to work in a safe environment, without fear of sabotage or other violent attacks, while they provide for their families and communities,” said the company.

“Coastal GasLink is focused on safely completing this critical piece of energy infrastructure that will delivery critical Canadian LNG to the world and lasting prosperity to Canadians.”

The pipeline has been plagued by unexpected construction costs and increasing labour expenses. Construction is 83 percent complete and has a tentative goal to be finished by the end of 2023.

The Canadian Press contributed to this report.