The COVID-19 pandemic has produced unprecedented economic conditions. Around the world, millions of people have lost their jobs, thousands of businesses have closed, and travel has been limited.
The United States hasn’t experienced an economic calamity of this magnitude since the Great Depression.
But one man’s economic depression can be another man’s “golden opportunity”—the words used by Prince Charles at a recent meeting of world powers seeking to impose a “Great Reset” of the global economy.
For Charles and other powerful international leaders, the current economic chaos offers a chance to remake nations across the planet, because desperate populations are now “more receptive to big visions of change.”
“It is an opportunity we have never had before and may never have again.”
Of course, he’s right. The present state of affairs is so chaotic that virtually anything is possible, including a total transformation of capitalism, and that’s precisely what Charles and his allies want.
At a virtual meeting held by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in June, global leaders, including Charles, gathered together to call for a Great Reset of capitalism.
Many of those at the meeting support the elimination of the world’s current capitalist system and have promoted socialist policies—such as wealth taxes, Green New Deal-like programs, and national job guarantees and government incomes. But the person who has most clearly articulated the vision of the Great Reset is Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum and one of the Reset’s most ardent supporters.
He also said that “all aspects of our societies and economies” must be “revamped,” “from education to social contracts and working conditions.”
Of course, the elites at the World Economic Forum know that the COVID-19 pandemic won’t last forever, so how do they plan to pressure thousands of government officials and billions of people into adopting their vision for the Global Reset? By turning to yet another “crisis”: climate change.
In presentation after presentation, speakers at WEF’s June event used climate change and environmental sustainability as a primary justification for a permanent, global economic overhaul.
As terrifying as all of this sounds to those of us who support free markets and property rights, the worst has yet to come. At the June event, the World Economic Forum announced that the Great Reset will be the focus of its next highly influential annual meeting in Davos, scheduled for January 2021.
At the Davos meeting, powerful business leaders, government officials, activists, and academics will promote the Great Reset and coordinate a massive worldwide campaign to promote their agenda with a large youth activist organization called the Global Shapers Community.
“This is a big moment,” Kerry said. “The World Economic Forum ... is really going to have to play a front and center role in refining the Great Reset to deal with climate change and inequity—all of which is being laid bare as a consequence of COVID-19.”
With Gore and Kerry already actively promoting the Great Reset, it’s only a matter of time before it becomes a key part of the left’s platform—and potentially Biden’s, too—for 2020 and beyond.
This is a remarkable and dangerous moment for freedom, both in the United States and across the planet. Not only has government used the COVID-19 pandemic to increase its power, world leaders are now planning to expand it dramatically in the years to come through their Great Reset reforms.
If we don’t stop this radical move toward collectivism and the decimation of capitalism, the world’s freedom movement might never recover.