Actress Ostracized by Hollywood After Coming Out as a Conservative

Actress Ostracized by Hollywood After Coming Out as a Conservative
Julienne Davis, wearing a Moussaieff diamond necklace and matching earrings totaling 199 carats. Photo by Scott Barbour/Getty Images
NTD Television

An actress who revealed she was conservative suffered an immediate backlash from friends and associates in Hollywood. Both her personal life and her career have taken a hit.

“Eyes Wide Shut” actress Julienne Davis revealed what happened to her, in a Fox News article, after she wrote some well-received articles for a right-leaning political magazine. After the magazine closed business, she had to confront her Hollywood peers as she further pursued her acting career.

“Option 1: I could start apologizing to all my Hollywood liberal friends and associates who'd been shocked by my writing and tell them: ”I didn’t really mean it … it was a paid gig and I was simply doing it for the work.

“Option 2: I could have the courage of my convictions and continue down the conservative path.”

She chose the more truthful option, because she knew that if she didn’t she would have to keep her mouth shut. She would never really be able to openly express her conservative political views again, and would have to silently consent to the prevailing liberal viewpoints in Hollywood, as Independent Journal Review reported.

Once she made her decision, she experienced a wave of unfriendings on social media. Even her best friend did not want to appear associated with her. The people she thought she knew quietly broke contact with her.

She next faced vicious attacks on social media and elsewhere, even from people she was helping to get acting work. She was suddenly the object of attacks by liberals in Hollywood looking to vent. The nasty comments came in an unending stream.

“I refused to be a coward and be untrue to myself. I believed my path to be the more honest albeit more painful option,” she said in the Fox article.

She pointed out how the abuse she was experiencing was directly tied in with much of the left wing-leaning liberal media’s interpretation of the events of the day. “What’s interesting is that I noticed a particular upsurge in unfriendings immediately after the Charlottesville incident. And of course, I know why: The media of choice for the left—including CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost, The New York Times, and the Washington Post—all reported the incident in such a way as if to make it appear that all Trump supporters are Nazis.”

She felt frustrated, not sure what to do in the barrage of viewpoints that fed a certain unhealthy world view. “Predictably, the majority of people in Hollywood believe the media they watch and read to be utterly and completely true, so how can I convince my liberal friends and associates otherwise?” she said.

She had some harsh criticism for Hollywood and all her friends that go with the seemingly prevailing outlook.

“Members of the Hollywood left don’t want to listen, discuss, or even see a dissenting viewpoint that challenges their own comfortable echo chamber. It’s ironic that an industry that constantly talks about diversity is so judgmental, hateful, and utterly rigid in its groupthink.”

She mentions a closet conservative Hollywood friend that advised her to hide her conservative views so she can get her films made and continue with her acting work, but she decided not to walk that path.

She is willing to push ahead with her career, while being upfront about her politics. She sees that as more fruitful in the long term, and the only way to really get things done.

“As for my more liberal friends who haven’t ditched me over politics, I’m truly grateful for them. It is they and maybe conservatives like me who will hopefully help to bring people together again and end this insane polarization we are all witnessing.”
