Dogs are amazingly graceful in how they handle hardship and loss in life. They don’t moan over little things the way we humans do but remain loving and cheerful no matter what cards they’re dealt.
Our four-legged friends are filled with inner beauty, and we could learn a lot from them.
There is no better example than Maggie, an abused dog from Lebanon, whose situation was so dire that an animal rescue organization way in the United Kingdom had to get involved.
Her story is about as horrible as you can possibly imagine. The 5-year-old dog, who was pregnant at the time, was found tied to a box with her right ear cut off; she had been beaten and shot 17 times with both of her eyes shot out, and she had a broken jaw.
Thankfully, there are many charitable animal lovers in this world who will go all out to ensure that these extreme cases are taken care of and given a home.
Maggie’s present owner, 25-year-old Kasey Carline from Brighton, United Kingdom, explained:
“This person in Lebanon posted asking for help and a woman in London saw the post and got help.
“Wild At Heart said they would take her in, even though it’s quite hard to get pets out of Lebanon.
“My mum saw Maggie’s post and said we had to foster her.
“I got home and saw the picture and agreed.”
However, it wasn’t easy to get Maggie out of Lebanon. Wild Heart Foundation animal charity and Kasey campaigned online for six months before Maggie finally got to her new home in Sussex.
Then Kasey adopted her.
Since then, amazing things have happened, and she has inspired thousands with her “inner strength.”
Kasey saw to Maggie’s rehabilitation before she began training to be a therapy dog for Underdog International, no less. They now visit hospitals, care homes, and schools to tell her amazing story of perseverance and positivity.
“She’s just brilliant. She’s so energetic and bubbly,” says Kasey. “She walks off the lead and follows me around.
“She must have been in agony with all she’s been through, but she never hurt anyone and she’s so loving.
“She’s got a great life and she wants so much out of it ... I just want people to see that she’s living life.”
Maggie has attracted some 100,000 followers on the platform.
One of Maggie’s most memorable posts was when she finally graduated from her therapy dog training.
“Guess what? I am now a registered therapy dog!“ The post read. ”Do you think I’ll be able to make people happy?”
“Her story catches the hearts of many and reminds us all of our inner strength.”