“The Chinese public have always been complying with the regime’s regulations and following its guidance to curb the spread of the virus, and their active reaction to the latest outbreak of the Delta variant reflects their confidence in and support for the country’s anti-virus policies and strategies.
“In regions where COVID-19 cases had emerged, people complied with the authorities’ regulations. They actively underwent several rounds of nucleic acid tests and followed social distancing measures, as demanded by the local authorities.”
- Two-week lockdowns to stop the spread.
- Six feet of separation, then three feet.
- Masks indoors, outdoors, everywhere (despite adverse consequences to children/others).
- Asymptomatic spread (or not).
- Children spread the virus (or they don’t).
- The PCR tests work (or they don’t).
- There are no therapeutic drugs that work (there are!).
- Herd immunity (or not; just take the shot!).
- Injections über alles (consequences be damned).
The report bounds the problem by summarizing what “science” really is:
“A key understanding is that science is a PROCESS. As a competent scientist wrote that the process involves: ‘Using a refined craft of methodological inquiry to dispassionately examine and test tentative explanations about the nature of truth in the natural world.’ Therefore, real science revolves around skepticism. Once this understanding is absorbed, citizens should consider outside independent competent sources of information (usually less influenced by financial or political gain), and then use critical thinking skills so that they can make science-based decisions about technical matters (e.g., their health), while simultaneously defending their rights and freedoms.”
An important disclaimer is also prominently featured at the beginning of the report:

“This report is not opposing vaccines—rather incomplete or misleading information from the Medical Establishment regarding such an important health decision. We support social distancing, hand sanitizing, and other science-based COVID-19 measures.”
- “COVID-19 data from (or supported by) the Medical Establishment, have been incomplete to purposefully deceptive. [This includes data about COVID-19 injections.] For example, the data on COVID-19 deaths fail to distinguish between dying from COVID-19 vs. dying with COVID-19. (Per the CDC: 95 percent of US COVID-19 deaths had an average of four co-morbidities!) This results in highly inflated COVID-19 death figures, which allows government officials to justify enacting shutdowns, etc. Furthermore, there is no Medical Establishment data accounting for deaths from the government COVID-19 regulations (e.g., suicides, drug overdoses, criminal acts, etc.).”
- “Inexplicably, to date the Medical Establishment has yet to support some well-documented effective COVID-19 therapies (see this outstanding discussion by a renowned MD). The main “therapy” (for what the Medical Establishment calls a pandemic), has been for victims to go home, drink fluids, etc.—then go to the hospital when they are in dire straits. There are numerous scientific studies on various therapies (when started early) will markedly improve a patient’s outcome. Even over-the-counter (OTC) items like Zinc and Vitamin D have been scientifically shown to have measurable benefits. (Combining them would likely result in even better outcomes.)”
- “The possible negative consequences of COVID-19 bio-chemical injection are far-reaching, and many may not be apparent for months or years. This study says: ‘no one actually has any idea of medium- and long-term effects of COVID-19 vaccines.’ Who is looking for these, and who will report them? The injection proponents: the Medical Establishment!”
- “One documented, yet rarely discussed, very problematic adverse consequence of getting the COVID-19 bio-chemical injection, can be Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), or Vaccine Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED). These serious side effects can worsen later infections from other COVID-19 variants. (In other words, the extent of ADE/VAED won’t be known for some time.) That’s a major concern expressed by the physician who is reportedly an inventor of the mRNA injection.”
- “The Medical Establishment’s data (e.g., COVID-19 fatality rates) are unreliable. Bad Data easily results in a domino effect of erroneous conclusions and ineffective ‘solutions.’”
- “The Medical Establishment has misinformed the public regarding broad-spectrum, Science-based therapies for treating COVID-19 (e.g., combining Ivermectin, Zinc and Vitamin D).”
- “It appears that the Medical Establishment gives priority to favoring the pharmaceutical industry instead of protecting the health and welfare of the public.”