‘A Remarkable Musical Feast’ Chamber of Commerce President Says

‘A Remarkable Musical Feast’ Chamber of Commerce President Says
President of Central and South American Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce, and Ecuador G-1 Governor of the International Lions Club, Yang Yulin, attends Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra’s 2019 debut at Taiwan’s Kaohsiung Cultural Center on the afternoon of Sept. 18, 2019. (Luo Ruixun/The Epoch Times)
KAOHSIUNG, TaiwanYang Yulin is a successful Taiwanese entrepreneur who was the President of Central and South American Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce and Ecuador G-1 Governor of the International Lions Club. He felt very fortunate being able to attend Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra’s 2019 debut at Taiwan’s Kaohsiung Cultural Center, as he had just returned from overseas the previous night.

Seeing Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra’s performance, on September 18, 2019, for the first time, Yang Yulin was very impressed with the awe-inspiring performance. “This is a remarkable musical feast,” he said after attending the concert.

One of the unique features of the Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra is its blending Eastern and Western musical traditions. It creates all-original Chinese melodies inspired by 5,000 years of Chinese culture by accentuating the beauty of ancient Chinese instruments with the power of the Western symphony orchestra, according to its website.

“There seems to be a nice and touching story behind each note. And the conductors perfectly present every detail along with the notes performed by the entire orchestra,” he added. “This is an exceptionally good performance.”

Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra presents a vivid storytelling experience based on myths, legends, and the 5,000 years of Chinese civilization. Yang Yulin was impressed with this part of the concert. “From the music, we can imagine the scenes that a hero or leader commands tens of thousands of warriors on horses galloping ahead in the battlefields,” he said. “It is a kind of striking scene that I felt in the music.”

“It is a picture of the triumphant return of troops,” he explained. “It is very touching.”

He felt the positive energy emitted from the performance that cleansed his soul. “The energy field is very strong. It is so strong that it gets the undivided attention of the audience,” he said. “I therefore naturally swing [my body] with the notes.”

Yang Yulin was especially fascinated by the excellent conducting techniques of two conductors Milen Nachev and Dmitry Russu. “The two conductors of the orchestra are outstanding. They are masters in the field,” he said. “I found that not only did their baton movements conduct the orchestra, but they also got the complete attention of the audience.”

“My mood was changing with the conductor’s baton as if I were part of the orchestra,” he said.

Having lived overseas and seen many musical concerts performed by Western musicians, Yang Yulin was surprised to find that there are many superb Chinese musicians in the orchestra. “This is the first time I’ve seen so many Chinese in an orchestra. I didn’t expect that our Chinese people’s music level is so high,” he said. “They are quite young, but they are a group of gurus. This is something unique about this orchestra [Shen Yun.]”

Yang Yulin was worried about his jet lag before attending the performance. Nonetheless, it turned out that he felt high-spirited and full of energy throughout the performance. “This is a high-class musical feast,” he praised. “After listening to the concert, my spirits are uplifted.”

“It [Shen Yun Orchestra] is very successful,” he said.

Truly touched by Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra’s performance, Yang Yulin concluded, “I am proud of this group, and will promote it, and recommend it to my friends.”

Reporting by Luo Ruixun and Billy Shyu.
New York-based Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra comprises musicians from the six Shen Yun Performing Arts touring companies. For information about the October performances, visit:
The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time and has covered audience reactions since the company’s inception in 2006.
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