If it could come up with one, I wanted to know on what that standard was based. I predicted that having abandoned a constitutional standard, millennia of tradition, sociological evidence, and even the scriptural definition of marriage and family, others who operated outside of tradition would be next in line to demand their “rights.”
It took just seven years for that prophecy to come true.
Bacdayan appears to have based her ruling not on an immutable standard, but on her personal beliefs: “What was ‘normal’ or ‘nontraditional’ ... is not a barometer for what is normal or nontraditional now.” Notice the quotes she puts around the first reference to normal and traditional, indicating a prejudice against what was once considered normal and traditional. Can anyone claim anything is normal in 2022 without being assaulted on social media and to one’s face by the “woke” crowd?
She continued, “The definition of ‘family’ has morphed considerably.” Indeed, it has and not to the benefit of many individuals, their children, and society.
The “reasoning” behind her ruling ought to stun most rational people.
“Many articles have been written about multi-person relationships in recent years, revealing a preference that for some has long been known.” So according to Bacdayan, it appears that creating “many articles” is the way to justify any relationship or behavior.
There were “many articles” written in defense of slavery and denying women the right to vote. Had Bacdayan’s philosophy been applied, these and other injustices might never have been rectified. There were many articles written in defense of unborn human life, but it took 50 years and more than 60 million aborted babies for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Where will this decision on polyamorous relationships lead?
The two-parent male-female home has been the bedrock of societies. Some traditions have lasted because they work. When social mores are individually rejected, school shootings, street violence, and anti-American ideology can be the result.
Ancient Rome and other licentious societies collapsed from within because of their indifference to moral restraints. What makes Americans think we can avoid a similar fate?
We are committing cultural suicide and few want to risk the criticism that comes from standing against the tide. We “invent ways of doing evil,” the Apostle Paul wrote. If a judge and a growing number of people no longer recognize what many consider immorality, then immorality wins.