Horrific headlines have recently proliferated across social media and the news industry depicting Asian Americans as victims of an increasing spate of assaults, both verbal and physical. Examining what’s behind the trend requires a deeper look into a complex, multifaceted issue.
The Epoch Times spoke to nearly a dozen people spanning different backgrounds, expertise, and personal experiences. These included Asian Americans who have experienced racism firsthand, attorneys with expertise on hate crimes, former law enforcement officials, public safety experts, scholars, activists, and more.
“I’m fairly certain that the general increase in crime is part of what’s driving this more particular increase, although it may not be exhaustively what’s driving it,” Lehman told The Epoch Times.

“That pattern appears in cities where Asian residents are being attacked,” Lehman said in his testimony, where he also called the violent attacks “a product of free-roaming criminals,” and added, “If anything is to blame for the terror now plaguing Asian Americans, it is public officials’ dereliction of their duty to preserve public safety.”
There is always a danger in misidentifying hate crimes, said Lehman, who noted that related charges can carry a substantial added penalty in terms of years served.
“I think that the people making this argument are often the same people who think that our justice system is too punitive,” he told The Epoch Times. “If a homeless, mentally ill man charged three Asian adults and tackled them, I think how we deal with him should not necessarily be to give him 10 years for multiple hate crimes.
“It’s important to push back on bigotry and racism. But the best response is to keep people safe, and the best tool for keeping people safe is the criminal justice system.
“It’s very hard to change the minds of bigots and racists; it’s much easier to keep the streets safe. That means fully funding police departments. That means putting more cops on the beats, especially in Asian American neighborhoods.”
In at least some circumstances, “the global pandemic has fueled the specific hate crimes against Asians,” according to Brian Higgins, a retired chief of Bergen County Police in New Jersey, where he served for 27 years.
Higgins, an adjunct lecturer at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, said whenever there is a large population of first-generation Americans or immigrants, such as in New Jersey and New York City where there is an influx of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean people, many are reluctant to report crimes to the police.
“Because you’re in another country, the culture is not to trust the police,” Higgins told The Epoch Times. “They keep it within their own community.”
Bergen County, where Higgins spent most of his law enforcement career, has a significant population of Korean Americans. He said that as these immigrant populations grow, “you’re going to have, as you would imagine, more crimes—whether they’re specifically hate crimes or not—involving Asians.”
But Higgins also cautioned about trying to dig into the underlying motivations in certain cases.
Personal Stories
As the recent wave of incidents gained attention, Asian Americans started telling their stories about experiencing racism while growing up. Many Asian immigrants made the move to the United States hoping for a better future for their children.Carolyn Kamii’s family first immigrated from Japan to California more than a century ago. They arrived in Los Angeles during the 1890s and bought farmland, which they worked until they were made to give it up during the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.
“Racism against Asians is not new to me, growing up in LA,” Kamii told The Epoch Times. “My family endured a lot since they arrived in the 19th century. ... LA in the early 20th century was hateful toward immigrants, especially Asians.”

“I think it relates to how cultures who are making inroads into middle-class white communities are perceived by the existing class,” she said. “I think these recent episodes are a continuation of how white culture feels when minorities start taking up public positions of authority, occupying places in the middle class, ‘getting ahead,’ etc.—partially fear, partially envy.”
“We’ve seen it throughout the history of this country, but within the past year, anti-Asian hate crimes have spiked following the words and actions of President Donald Trump amid the coronavirus pandemic,” Rim told The Epoch Times. “We must revisit hate crime laws to better protect people of color and our communities.”
CCP officials knew in early December 2019 that the virus had appeared in Wuhan, but nevertheless sat on the information for six weeks as locals and visitors continued to come and go, spreading the virus around the world uninhibited. CCP officials arrested those who tried to warn of the danger, accusing them of spreading “rumors,” while also employing the communist regime’s rigorous censorship to prevent media coverage and delete any mentions of it from social media.
Jason Miller, spokesman and adviser for the former president, didn’t respond by press time to requests from The Epoch Times for comment about Trump’s use of the term “China virus.”
“I have experienced the occasional ‘gook,’ ‘chink,’ and ‘charlie,’ over the years, but a far cry from what I experienced before,” Chang told The Epoch Times.
Chang said he has never before seen the current level of community support and energy going to Asian American organizations.
“Perhaps the most problematic aspect of the model minority argument, however, is an underlying methodological shortcoming—an inability to account for the nuanced composition of the Asian American community itself,” the report notes.
Chan told The Epoch Times that the model minority myth “has dehumanized Asian women in today’s society.”
“Women are less likely to report a crime due to our upbringing,” she said. “When something traumatic happens, we usually keep it to ourselves or ignore that it happened. Also, growing up in Asian culture, we want to save face and never tarnish the family name even if that traumatic experience isn’t our fault. ... We end up being the easy target.”
Asian Americans in recent years have also accused Ivy League colleges such as Harvard of discriminating against them as the institutions attempt to provide opportunities to racial groups underrepresented in their schools.
“It raises this fundamental tension, I think, in our society, especially in our ‘woke’ culture, which is what happens when you privilege the narrative of certain minorities over others, because Asian Americans are often second class in the left’s racial narrative today,” Xu said.
Hate Crime Laws and Bail Reform
Hate crime laws have been the subject of much debate in recent years. The FBI has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.”The FBI definition states that “hate itself is not a crime—and the FBI is mindful of protecting freedom of speech and other civil liberties.”
David Clark, an attorney at the Clark Law office based in Michigan, said hate crime convictions are rare, “due to the need for a proven intent when convicting someone of this charge, especially since the intent must be beyond a reasonable doubt.”
“Murder charges are more prevalent as they are direct, utilizing the crime itself as evidence enough to prove the validity of the charge,” Clark told The Epoch Times. “Hate crimes, however, require harder and more complex ways to secure a conviction, thus making suspects harder to prosecute.”

Higgins said it’s “extremely difficult” to charge someone with a hate crime because of the way the laws are written. “You have to get into somebody’s mind” and prove you knew their thoughts at the time, he said, adding that often the only way to do this is to check the suspect’s social media posts, or their emails and texts.
“If an individual goes to a neighborhood that has a high population of Asian Americans and commits a crime against one of those people, ... did that person specifically go to that neighborhood to target a specific group?” Higgins told The Epoch Times.
Higgins also warned about the premise of hate crime charges. “We want to stamp out racism, we want to prevent hate crimes, right? But what if I don’t hate you because of your color and I beat you up—should I be charged with something less?” he said. “It’s still a violent crime against a human being.”
Police officers are often sent to respond to crime spikes, Higgins said, but there are also other responses, such as community engagement and awareness of the issue. He warned that people should be careful not to politicize the issue.
“Rethinking the changes to bail laws will definitely go toward reducing hate crimes,” Higgins said. “There’s no doubt in my mind that it’s a direct result, but to what extent I don’t really know. If you look at when bail reform came in, the spikes in crime were very closely related.
“There’s no fear in going to jail anymore. There are multiple examples of individuals who have committed multiple crimes over several days who were arrested and released, arrested and released.”
CCP Exploitation
Amidst all of this, the CCP hasn’t hesitated in exploiting the recent narrative to push its own propaganda and to further divide the United States, according to scholars, human rights activists, and journalists, who have pointed out that the Chinese regime has weaponized racism by conflating criticisms of the CCP with discrimination against Chinese people.Adrian Zenz, a senior fellow in China studies at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation who has exposed horrific human rights abuses committed by the CCP, said there’s a “new trend of weaponizing racism against scholarship on China.”

“Weaponizing racism against select forms of scholarship on China serves to magnify existing divisions and promotes misinformation and misunderstanding rather than nuanced scholarly work. That is ultimately nearly as dangerous as racism itself.”
Reporter Melissa Chan recently shared the same article on her Twitter account and added her response.
“Anyone who thinks we should only focus on one and not the other can’t seem to figure out it’s possible to walk and chew gum at the same time. But that’s Twitter for you.”
“CCP depicts all Chinese as dictators’ followers, stigmatizing the people’s image more than anything else,” Law wrote. “Millions of Uyghurs are in concentration camps due to the CCP’s hatred towards religions and diversity. So hypocritical.”
The Spectator’s Melissa Chen denounced the propaganda narrative that critiquing the Chinese regime or its handling of the pandemic “must mean you’re a racist who downplays the racial motive of the shooter.”
“This conflation is disingenuous and dangerous, and is basically a giant assist for the CCP’s psyops. Our media has abandoned even the pretense of truth-seeking and is retroactively fitting stories into pre-conceived frameworks.”