9 Ways Honey Benefits Your Skin, Nails, and Hair

9 Ways Honey Benefits Your Skin, Nails, and Hair

The honey in your pantry may taste delicious in your tea or drizzled over your pancakes, but what can it do for your face, nails, or hair? The answer is—a lot! The next time you grab that jar of (preferably) raw honey to sweeten your beverage, be sure to set some aside for your beauty routine.

The antioxidants, nutrients, enzymes, and other healing components found in honey combine to create a fantastic pampering and beauty treatment you will want to use again and again. Honey has been renowned for its health and healing powers for centuries, with scientific studies confirming its benefits.

Here are nine ways using honey can benefit your skin, nails, and hair.

1. Moisturizer. One outstanding property of honey is as a humectant, which means it helps retain moisture when applied to the skin. Treat your face to a honey of a moisturizer by spreading raw honey on dry, clean skin and letting it stay on for up to 20 minutes. Rinse off the honey with warm water and pat dry with a soft cloth. 2. Exfoliator. Exfoliate your skin naturally by applying a mixture of two tablespoons of honey with one tablespoon of baking soda. The honey will hydrate, nourish, and cleanse your skin while the baking soda helps eliminate dead skin cells. Gently rub the mixture on your skin in a circular motion. Rinse with warm water and pat dry with a soft cloth.
3. Pore Cleaner. Honey has antibacterial properties that make it a super pore cleaner. Boost that antibacterial power with coconut or jojoba oil. Combine one tablespoon of raw honey with two tablespoons of one of the two oils and massage it into clean, dry skin in a circular motion. Rinse with warm water. Apply before bed and in the morning.
4. Burn Scar Healer. If you have any burns, honey has well-documented healing benefits. Application of raw honey to burns and other wounds several times a day can help reduce scarring and promote tissue restoration.
5. Acne Treatment. Acne is associated with bacteria and fungus, and fortunately honey has the ability to fight both. Honey also has anti-inflammatory capabilities, so the combination of benefits can be helpful for anyone with acne. Apply raw honey to affected areas and allow it to stay on for about 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. 6. Hair Conditioner. Tired of dull hair? Combine one tablespoon of raw honey with two tablespoons of coconut oil and get ready for super shine! Apply the mixture to the ends of your hair and work it in as you move up, covering about three-quarters of your hair. Allow the conditioner to stay on for 20 minutes, then rinse well.
7. Cuticle Restorer. We already mentioned how honey is a humectant, so it’s a natural to restore dry, cracked cuticles or help keep them supple. Combine one teaspoon each of honey, coconut oil, and apple cider vinegar. Rub the mixture into each cuticle, let it stay on for 10 minutes, then rinse.
8. Hair Lightener. Honey contains glucose oxidase, an enzyme that releases hydrogen peroxide, which in turn can lighten your hair. Note: You will need a little patience with this treatment: combine three tablespoons of honey with two tablespoons of water. Apply to damp, clean hair and let it stay on for 60 minutes. Rinse well. Use once a week.
9. Hair Remover. Honey is an ingredient in a natural mixture that can remove unwanted hair from your face, legs, or other body parts. There are several different recipes for natural hair removal, and one of them consists of honey, sugar, and lemon juice: one part honey to three parts sugar with a few drops of lemon juice. This should be made into a paste, then heated for three minutes. As the mixture begins to cool, it can be applied to the skin in the same direction as the hair grows. Place a clean strip of cloth over the treated area, press down, and then pull the cloth in the opposite direction.
Andrea Donsky is an author, registered holistic nutritionist, editor-in-chief of NaturallySavvy.com, and co-founder of The Healthy Shopper Inc. and Naturally Savvy Media. This article was first published on NaturallySavvy.com
Andrea Donsky, who holds a bachelor of commerce, is an international TV health expert, best selling author, and founder of NaturallySavvy.com—a recipient of Healthline’s Best Healthy Living Blogs for 2019. This article was originally published on NaturallySavvy.com
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