Rasmussen Reports released a new poll on Wednesday showing that 75 percent of Americans support voter ID laws, including 60 percent of Democrats and 89 percent of Republicans.
Support for voter ID laws across ethnicities remained high: 74 percent of whites, 69 percent of blacks, and 82 percent of other minorities said they were in support of requiring voter ID.
The survey also asked participants whether they believe voter ID laws discriminate against some voters. Leftists have been claiming that voter ID laws and other voter restrictions discriminate against minorities.
According to the survey, 60 percent of Americans said that voter ID laws don’t discriminate, while 31 percent say such laws discriminate, with 10 percent saying they are not sure.
Democrats made up the most of the group concerned about minority discrimination, with 51 percent saying such requirements are discriminatory. Meanwhile, 79 percent of Republicans and 67 percent of unaffiliated voters said that requiring identification at the polls is not discriminatory.
Rasmussen Reports conducted the national telephone and online survey of 1,000 likely voters on March 14 and 15. The sampling error margin is 3 percentage points above or below with a 95 percent level of confidence, according to the poll.
The poll was conducted as H.R. 1 passed the Democrat-controlled House and headed to the Senate for consideration.
Democrats have framed the bill as a crucial step against voter suppression.

“There’s no voter suppression going on. In fact, we have seen turnout in U.S. elections consistently go up in the last few elections that we’ve had, while the states have been doing things like putting in voter ID laws.”
Public intellectual Dinesh D’Souza, an author and filmmaker, has criticized the Democrat argument that ID requirements suppress voters.
Democrats are pushing for removing or reforming the filibuster to pass H.R. 1 in the Senate because the filibuster currently requires 60 votes to pass legislation.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) threatened that if Democrats eliminate the filibuster, Republicans will fight back, and the Senate would be like “a 100-car pileup” with “nothing moving.”