Tinnitus, the ringing of the ears, is a vexing condition that can affect a patient’s daily life in severe cases. There are many causes of tinnitus, but no matter which one it is, once tinnitus occurs, it should be treated immediately.
In addition, there are some ways to alleviate and improve its symptoms.
1. Diseases in the Blood Vessels or Auditory Nerves
Arteries and veins may be abnormally enlarged or dilated and form hemangiomas (red bumps), and benign tumors may form on the auditory nerves (which are called acoustic neuromas). Both of these cases can cause tinnitus.2. Prolonged Exposure to High Noise Levels
Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can cause damage to the inner ear receptors, resulting in chronic tinnitus that might not be remedied.3. Aging of the Auditory Receptors
The elderly are prone to tinnitus due to the natural aging of their auditory receptors. And for people who are exposed to high-decibel environments over a long period of time, their auditory receptors may also experience early degeneration.4. Overworking and Staying Up Late for Long Periods of Time
When a person is overworked to a certain degree, tinnitus can occur, and it’s usually accompanied by ear congestion. One experiences a stuffy feeling in the ears, as if there were a layer of stuffiness between the ears and the environment.In these cases, tinnitus occurs at certain times of the day.
5. Meniere’s Disease
For Meniere’s disease patients, tinnitus usually appears in one ear, with ear congestion. These patients typically experience abnormal hearing, dizziness, and vertigo, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.6. Nasal Allergies and Gastroesophageal Reflux
Xu said that because the eustachian tube and nasopharynx are connected, nasal allergies, sinusitis, and gastroesophageal reflux can all cause sudden tinnitus. For instance, gastric acid reflux into the pharynx can cause mild otitis media, and the pressure of fluid buildup can lead to tinnitus. When these conditions are treated, the tinnitus symptoms also improve.7. Ear Strokes
An ear stroke, also known as sudden onset deafness or sudden sensorineural hearing loss, is a condition in which a patient’s hearing is suddenly and significantly reduced. It’s often accompanied by tinnitus, ear congestion, and dizziness. Most ear strokes occur in only one ear, while a small number of patients experience them in both ears. Factors that can cause an ear stroke include blockage of small blood vessels in the ears, injuries to the eardrums, viral infections, and stress.Can Tinnitus Be Cured?
Short-term sudden tinnitus caused by nasal allergies, gastroesophageal reflux, sleep disorders, or mental stress can be cured if the root cause is addressed with early treatment. Xu emphasizes that if this type of tinnitus isn’t treated promptly, it could become chronic and even start affecting the patient’s hearing over time. For example, tinnitus could become more frequent, with its volume increasing, and hearing would become impaired.If the loss is due to an ear stroke, most people can regain their hearing if they take advantage of the seven-day golden treatment period for ear strokes. However, if damage has already been done to the ear, then it can lead to long-term tinnitus.
Xu emphasizes that regardless of the cause of tinnitus, it should be treated as soon as possible, especially if the tinnitus is sudden and persistent. If the treatment is delayed for one or two years, the healing process will take longer.
Chronic tinnitus is difficult to cure completely, regardless of whether Chinese or Western medicine is used. The main goal in this case is to reduce the frequency of tinnitus and its volume.
3 Remedies to Tinnitus
Besides seeking medical treatment, there are three other ways to improve tinnitus.Massage the following acupuncture points on hands and ears to increase circulation:

Hegu point: On the back of the hand, in the depression between the first and second metacarpal bones at the base of the thumb and index finger, and more toward the index finger. Yifeng point: In the depression at the base of the ear behind the earlobe. Ermen point: In the depression in front of the upper part of the antilobium, when opening the mouth. Tinggong point: In the depression in front of the middle of the antilobium, when opening the mouth. Tinghui point: In the depression in front of the lower part of the antilobium, when opening the mouth.
Xu said that when patients have time, they can also massage their entire ears, and rub and press around them.
For tinnitus caused by aging or fatigue, the patient can press the below acupuncture points to replenish the fluids in their kidneys, qi (vital energy), and blood.
Zusanli point: Four finger-breadths directly below the knee on the outer side of the leg. Taixi point: In the depression between the tip of the medial malleolus and Achilles tendon. Fuliu point: On the inner side of the calf, three horizontal finger-breadths above Taixi point. Qihai point: About two finger-breadths below the navel. Guanyuan point: About four finger-breadths below the navel.

The time period between 11:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. is when the liver and bile meridians circulate. So this is an important time for the body to recover. It is best to go to bed at 10:30 p.m.
“I always ask my patients to sleep at the right time first, and then sleep to the fullest,” Dr. Xu said. According to him, sleeping at the right time is even more important than the number of hours one sleeps. Sleeping for seven to eight hours is also important to improve tinnitus, especially when it is caused by fatigue or sleep disorders. Sleeping at the right time and sleeping enough can also prevent organs from aging, and indirectly solve the problem of the hearing organ aging.
He stressed that sleep is very important, and nowadays many inexplicable diseases are related to lack of sleep and unreleased emotional stress.
Regularly exercising not only helps release stress but also promotes systematic circulation. When people are tired, their circulation becomes poor, and tinnitus begins to appear.
In addition, in the case where tinnitus is caused by gastroesophageal reflux, patients should avoid stimulating foods such as caffeinated beverages, tobacco, and alcohol.