65-Year-Old Woman Sees Off 300-Pound Attacker With Well-Practiced Swing

65-Year-Old Woman Sees Off 300-Pound Attacker With Well-Practiced Swing
Stock photo of police tape. Carl Ballou/Shutterstock
Simon Veazey

A 65-year-old woman saw off a 300-pound man with a well-practiced baseball bat swing when she caught him pulling at her car door handles in his boxer shorts.

Clarese Gainey heard a noise outside her Florida apartment in the early morning on April 14, reported WGFL, and looked out to see a half-naked man trying to break into her car.

She grabbed her bat and opened the door.

According to police the man, later identified as 37-year-old Antonio Mosley, charged her.

According to WGFL he is 5 feet 6 inches tall, but weighs 300 pounds.

Gainey, who was a softball player in high school, stood her ground and took up her batting stance.

“I took that bat and hit him upside the head like ‘pi-yah!’” she told WGFL. “He said ‘Ow!’”

Mosley ran off, according to police reports cited by CBS, and was later found in a nearby mobile phone with a tell-tale gash on his head. , having now found a pair of pants and put some cocaine in one of the pockets.

Officers brought him to Gainey, who positively identified him, according to WGFL.

Antonio Mosley. (Alachua County Jail)
Antonio Mosley. Alachua County Jail

Gainey had called 911, and officers had tracked him down two hours later with a K-9 unit after finding his jeans, a shirt and one sock in the parking lot.

According to county jail records, he was charged with attempted burglary to an occupied dwelling, attempted unarmed burglary to an unoccupied conveyance, and possession of a controlled substance. His bail is set at $15,000.

“He better be glad I didn’t have a gun,” Gainey said. “Because I would have shot him. But this is my gun right here (baseball bat). Because I gone ‘Pi-yow!’”

A Dramatic 911 Call in Georgia

A 79-year-old woman saw off a burglar in neighboring Georgia with her pistol in February.

Whispering a prayer to the dispatcher one second, hollering a challenge the next as she fired a warning shot with her pistol, the unnamed woman was recorded in a dramatic midnight 911 call as she tackled a 20-year-old burglar.

When deputies arrived at the house in Jackson County, Georgia, on Feb. 12, they found a burglar cowering in the closet.

He was later named as Hans Edward Rogers, charged with burglary and home invasion, according to county jail records.

The homeowner heard someone trying to get in a window and went to her back door to look out to find a black male standing there.

In the recording of the dispatch call,  obtained later by WXIA, the woman can be heard repeatedly challenging what she initially thought were two invaders in her home.

“Okay, come on! I got something for you!” she shouts at one point.

As the 911 dispatcher tries to discourage her from confronting any attackers, the sound of a gunshot is heard.

According to WXIA, she had fired a pistol outside in the direction of the burglar, who then ran round to another door, and broke in.

As the dispatcher continues to reassure her that law enforcement is on the way, the woman said that she can hear the intruder upstairs, ransacking the rooms and apparently talking.

She waits for another two minutes in the kitchen, then her voice can be heard shouting “I’m waitin’ on ya’, come on! When you come down those stairs I’m gonna blow your damn brains out!”

Around eight minutes into the call, law enforcement entered the downstairs of the building, with Rogers now cowering upstairs.

He was charged with felony first-degree burglary and felony home invasion, and with misdemeanor criminal trespass.

Simon Veazey
Simon Veazey
Freelance Reporter
Simon Veazey is a UK-based journalist who has reported for The Epoch Times since 2006 on various beats, from in-depth coverage of British and European politics to web-based writing on breaking news.
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