Shen Yun Returns to Taiwan: ‘I Feel I’m Blessed to Have This Chance to Attend’

Shen Yun Returns to Taiwan: ‘I Feel I’m Blessed to Have This Chance to Attend’
Mr. Peng Kang-ming, the manager at the design department of a world top 10 memory chip manufacturer, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts with his wife at the Miaobei Art Center in Miaoli, Taiwan, on Feb. 26, 2023. Li I-hsin/The Epoch Times

MIAOLI, Taiwan—Shen Yun Performing Arts World Company toured at Miaoli, Taiwan. In Miaoli and the nearby Hsinchu city are located several major global semiconductor chip manufacturers. Senior managers from these companies attended Shen Yun on Feb. 26 and said the show was “amazing!”

Mr. Peng Kang-ming is the manager at the design department of a international top 10 memory chip manufacturer. He attended Shen Yun with his wife Ms. Lin Hsiao-yu, and Ms. Lin’s sister and brother-in-law.

“Shen Yun is really fantastic. It’s amazing!” Mr. Peng said. “You must feel it by attending in person. It’s worth seeing.”

Mr. Peng said Shen Yun brought him astounding feelings twofold: for both his eyes and ears.

“The dynamic backdrop is super, super vivid. The coordination between the backdrop and dancers is perfect, without a single flaw,” he said. “Shen Yun costumes are very beautiful. The lights on stages reflected on the costumes. Oh, they are very bright, extremely gorgeous!”

Mr. Peng said the live orchestra showcased both Western instruments and Eastern instruments, and performed wonderful music.
“The live orchestra is very, very, very good. It plays the particular music from different dynasties, each with their own character,” he said. “The (two-stringed instrument) erhu is very Chinese and expressed the feeling accurately.”

Mr. Peng said he was shocked by Shen Yun.

“It took me inside the stories. It’s stunning!” he said. “I was very shocked when the curtain first opened. I saw the Creator was in a paradise on the backdrop. There were angels surrounding him. It’s very beautiful.”

Mr. Peng repeated “Shen Yun is worth seeing for yourself” and “it’s amazing” during his interview.

Ms. Lin, his wife, said: “This is a real world-class, super-high-level performance.”

She felt her heart resonated with Shen Yun.

“We are all watching Shen Yun together, but each of us has different feelings. At some points, you feel your heart was touched,” she said. “I had these feelings. They are very impressive.”

Ms. Lin said she understood from Shen Yun that “we should do good things, be kind, and live with honesty in the future, no matter what will happen around us.”

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s top classical Chinese dance company, and has a mission to show the beauty and goodness of “China before communism.” For 5,000 years China’s civilization was built on values and virtues from the spiritual teachings of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism.

3 Words

Ms. Lin’s sister, Ms. Lin Hsuan-pei, said she couldn’t control her tears from beginning to end.

“I don’t know why. I was very touched, very moved, and very excited being here,” she said. “I don’t know other theatergoers’ feelings, but [Shen Yun] awed my heart. I have never seen a show as astounding as Shen Yun.”

Mr. Peng Kang-ming (R), the manager at the design department of a world top 10 memory chip manufacturer, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts with his wife Ms. Lin (2nd R), and Ms. Lin's sister (L) and husband at the Miaobei Art Center in Miaoli, Taiwan, on Feb. 26, 2023. (Provided by Ms. Lin Hsiao-yu)
Mr. Peng Kang-ming (R), the manager at the design department of a world top 10 memory chip manufacturer, attends Shen Yun Performing Arts with his wife Ms. Lin (2nd R), and Ms. Lin's sister (L) and husband at the Miaobei Art Center in Miaoli, Taiwan, on Feb. 26, 2023. Provided by Ms. Lin Hsiao-yu

Ms. Lin Hsuan-pei said she was touched by each vignette.

“I just felt that the show is stunning, but I don’t know how to describe my feelings. My heart is full of feeling,” she said.

The sister said she remembered three words from Shen Yun: truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.

“Especially the tolerance. I will learn it,” she said. “I believe in divine beings. I won’t give up my faith. I have infected with COVID-19 for four times. I feel I’m blessed, to have this chance to attend Shen Yun.”

Each Shen Yun performance consists of nearly 20 vignettes, presented through highly-expressive art forms such as classical Chinese dance, original orchestral music performed live, soloists who sing in the bel canto tradition, animated digital backdrops, and more.

‘Majestic’ Backdrop

Mr. Chen Chien-yu, a designing manager of one of the world’s top 5 semiconductor chip manufacturer, was surprised by the technology he saw in Shen Yun.
“The performance combines classical Chinese dance, the traditional stories, and the patented dynamic backdrop. It’s really creative,” he said.

Mr. Chen said the backdrop interacted with the dancers perfectly, in which the dancers traveled back and forth between the backdrop and the stage.

“The backdrop was very well designed. No matter where the dancers move to, the backdrop changed accordingly. The coordination is perfect. I really commend it,” he said. “Shen Yun is really amazing!”

Mr. Chen said he enjoyed Shen Yun very much.

“The stories’ structures are very complete. With the support of the dynamic backdrop, the show is majestic!” he said.

Reporting by Epoch Times Staff in Miaoli, Taiwan.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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