5-Year-Old Boy Dies of Ebola as Uganda Cases Rise to 3

5-Year-Old Boy Dies of Ebola as Uganda Cases Rise to 3
Ebola health worker at a treatment center in Beni, Eastern Congo. On April, 16, 2019. (AP Photo/Al-hadji Kudra Maliro)
The Associated Press

KASINDI, Congo—A 5-year-old boy vomiting blood became the first cross-border victim of Ebola in the current outbreak on Wednesday, while two more people in Uganda tested positive for the highly contagious disease that has killed nearly 1,400 in Congo.

The boy, part of a Congolese family who crossed into Uganda earlier in the week, died overnight, the World Health Organization said. Ugandan authorities said the two new cases are his 3-year-old brother and 50-year-old grandmother, who have been isolated at a hospital near the Congo border. Uganda now has three confirmed Ebola cases.

Map locates Kasese, Uganda, where the first Ebola case outside Congo outbreak was reported. (AP)
Map locates Kasese, Uganda, where the first Ebola case outside Congo outbreak was reported. (AP)

Authorities are trying to determine how the family, exposed to the virus via a sick relative in Congo, managed to cross a border where health officials have been screening millions of travelers for months.

Since the first cases were declared in August, this has become the second-deadliest Ebola outbreak in history. A WHO expert committee has been alerted for a possible meeting on whether to declare a global health emergency now that the outbreak has crossed the border, a spokesman said.

Congo’s health ministry said a dozen members of the boy’s family had showed symptoms of Ebola and were put in isolation. But six managed to leave while awaiting transfer to an Ebola treatment center. They crossed into Uganda, where authorities had been alerted. The boy received treatment and relatives were isolated. Two of them developed symptoms and were tested.

Experts have long feared Ebola could spread to neighboring countries because of rebel attacks and community resistance hampering virus containment work in eastern Congo, one of the world’s most turbulent regions. The virus can spread quickly via close contact with bodily fluids of those infected and can be fatal in up to 90 percent of cases.

Hospital staff and others being briefed on how to keep themselves safe, at Bwera hospital where the confirmed and suspected cases of Ebola are being treated on June 12, 2019 in Kasese District, western Uganda, near the border with Congo. (Ben Wise/International Rescue Committee via AP)
Hospital staff and others being briefed on how to keep themselves safe, at Bwera hospital where the confirmed and suspected cases of Ebola are being treated on June 12, 2019 in Kasese District, western Uganda, near the border with Congo. (Ben Wise/International Rescue Committee via AP)

Ugandan health teams “are not panicking,” Henry Mwebesa, a physician and the national director of health services, told The Associated Press. He cited the East African nation’s experience battling previous outbreaks of Ebola and other hemorrhagic fevers.

“We have all the contingencies to contain this case,” Mwebesa said. “It is not going to go beyond” the patient’s family.

The Congolese family likely did not pass through official border points, where health workers screen all travelers for a high temperature and isolate those who show signs of illness.

The child’s mother, who is married to a Ugandan, “knows where to pass. She does not have to go through the official border points,” Mwebesa said from Kasese, a district near the border where the family was being treated.

At the border area where the family is thought to have crossed, surveillance teams patrolled the Ugandan side on Wednesday. Many Congolese cross on footpaths away from official border posts, however, and some paths remained unguarded. Some people wade through the shallow Lubiriha River instead of using a bridge, to avoid being stopped by border officials.

Uganda is more stable than eastern Congo, and for the first time an experimental but effective Ebola vaccine is being widely used, with more than 130,000 doses distributed. Uganda has vaccinated nearly 4,700 health workers, and WHO is shipping in another 3,500 vaccine doses this week for health workers and close contacts of those infected.

But Ebola has been especially feared in Uganda, where multiple outbreaks have occurred over the years. An outbreak in the north in 2000 infected 425 people and killed more than half of them.

Ebola screening checkpoint where people crossing from Congo go through foot and hand washing with a chlorine solution and have their temperature taken, at the Bunagana border crossing with Congo, in western Uganda. On June 10, 2019. (Ben Wise/International Rescue Committee via AP)
Ebola screening checkpoint where people crossing from Congo go through foot and hand washing with a chlorine solution and have their temperature taken, at the Bunagana border crossing with Congo, in western Uganda. On June 10, 2019. (Ben Wise/International Rescue Committee via AP)

The WHO expert committee has twice decided that the current outbreak, while of “deep concern,” is not yet a global health emergency.

But international spread is one of the major criteria the United Nations agency considers before such a declaration. Millions of travelers along Congo’s border with Uganda and Rwanda have been screened for Ebola since the outbreak began. WHO has advised against travel restrictions.

The news of a first cross-border case is “tragic but unfortunately not surprising,” said Dr. Jeremy Farrar with the Wellcome Trust, which is funding vaccine research in this outbreak. While Uganda is well-prepared with established surveillance, “we can expect and should plan for more cases in (Congo) and neighboring countries. This epidemic is in a truly frightening phase and shows no sign of stopping anytime soon.”

By Rodney Muhumuza And Al-hadji Kudra Maliro