President Joe Biden signed the 2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act on Dec. 29, 2022, approving $1.7 trillion in federal spending into law. Not many people are discussing an important section of the intelligence bill, which “requires reporting on the wealth and corrupt activities of the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).”
This is a significant move and the first time the United States has investigated the corruption of CCP officials through legislation. To this day, almost none of the CCP officials joined the CCP or became government officials out of their belief in communism but did so because the CCP’s unsupervised system gave them the possibility of unbridled corruption. In other words, the ability to reap personal benefits is the only reason they defend the CCP regime. If the United States were to investigate the corruption of top CCP officials and impose future penalties, this would compromise their loyalty to the corrupt regime.
I told her, “If this doesn’t happen, you can rest assured that an armed reunification with Taiwan won’t occur.”
It isn’t unprecedented for the United States to freeze the assets of CCP officials. In September 2018, Washington sanctioned the General Armaments Department of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and its minister, Lt. Gen. Li Shangfu. Under the U.S. ban, Li couldn’t obtain a U.S. visa, all his assets and interests in the United States were frozen, and U.S. companies and individuals weren’t allowed to conduct transactions with him. Washington was able to quickly get a hold of the assets that Li and his wife owned in the United States.
Freeze CCP Officials’ Assets
Washington should investigate, publicize, and freeze the assets of corrupt CCP officials in the United States. Then the United States can tell the Chinese people that these illegally acquired assets would be used to reconstruct China after it becomes a free society. In addition to weakening the loyalty of these corrupt officials to the CCP, the Party wouldn’t be able to use the freezing of assets in the United States to incite the Chinese to hate the United States because, after all, the money was taken from the people and could be returned to them in the future. It would also make the Chinese realize that corrupt officials aren’t one of them.Take Down China’s Cyber Firewall
Beijing relies on censoring information to brainwash the Chinese people. Most popular search engines, social media, and media outlet websites, such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, and so forth, are all inaccessible in China. When the Chinese people discover the crimes committed by the CCP, they'll be determined to end totalitarianism and move toward freedom.
A free China can’t invade Taiwan. The United States may have spent hundreds of billions of dollars in military spending to deter the CCP from invading Taiwan. Still, the United States can turn China into a free society by spending only a few hundred million dollars to tear down the CCP’s “Information Berlin Wall.”
Impose High-Tech Embargo
Big data, artificial intelligence, and facial recognition put the Chinese people in cyber prison. High-tech embargoes can free them from the CCP’s ubiquitous surveillance and cripple its ability to control the population.Trade Must Be Linked to Human Rights
The United States can advance human rights through trade. If the United States can play the human rights card in a trade war, it stands on the moral high ground. And the Chinese people, who are heavily influenced by communism, will gradually realize that human rights are essential for maintaining a civil society. In other words, the trade war is beneficial not only to the Americans but also to the Chinese. The trade war shouldn’t be aimed at China but at the CCP. This can actually defuse the nationalism incited by the CCP in the trade war.Sun Tzu said: “For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.”
I’m glad to see that the first and third measures are being realized after I proposed these four suggestions three years ago. We can do more by implementing all four steps and hoping that we can win the competition without fighting.