The worst abusers, all authoritarian countries, do everything in their power to subvert the ideas found in the Atlantic Charter, including through bribery and the influence of their money on the weakness of human greed.
Yet, the expert represents the United Nations to the world on the issue of sanctions, and so influences world opinion to go soft on human rights abuse and territorial aggression. Under the mantle of the United Nations, she operates precisely against the organization’s founding principles. In the shadow of Nazi Germany, these were meant to ensure that the atrocities of World War II never recurred.
But there’s more. Douhan is a professor in Belarus, a country so unfree and closely allied with Russia that Vladimir Putin launched his pincer attack on Ukraine in part from that northern autocracy.
There is much criticism of this illiberal and legalized corruption of a U.N. expert.

All of these countries want to violate U.N. principles at will, without fear of economic repercussions in their trade with democracies.
Douhan did not immediately reply to a request for comment.
If China, in particular, can make unilateral sanctions illegal according to international law, it will grease the skids on Beijing’s path to global hegemony.
International laws against unilateral sanctions would, in particular, weaken the world’s two most powerful democracies. The United States and European Union are still the world’s two largest economies by nominal GDP. Their ability to deter human rights abuse and protect territorial integrity peacefully and economically would be undermined, increasing not only the chance of such abuse but the likelihood that disputes would escalate more quickly to military conflict.
However, Soviet Russia and communist China made clear within a few short years that they had no intention of democratizing and no respect for the U.N. principles to which they solemnly agreed. Russia and China joined the United Nations not from a sincere agreement with its principles, but to buy time against the United States and its democratic allies. These two dictatorships are trying to warp the United Nations from a tool for democracy and international peace into a tool of their illiberal power.
The corruption of Alena Douhan is thus a symptom of the problem rather than the problem itself. The deeper issue is that we continue to allow dictatorships that violate the basic principles of the United Nations to remain in their positions within the organization. They should instead be ejected, root and branch. Start with its most powerful member: communist China. That would make an example for the rest, who, it can still be hoped, would improve as a result.