Meanwhile, Londoners at a massive protest took turns, under the famous “baby Trump” balloon, at bashing another naked Trump balloon while crowds cheered. Bashers stepped away looking lighter, as though they had been dunked in a river by some cult promising inner salvation.
Children have been pepper-sprayed at free speech protests attended by their parents. The elderly have been beaten nearly to death while walking to their cars, which perhaps sported a Trump sticker on the back.
All these Trump symbols are now invitations to physical attacks in public at worst, or, at the very least, being refused some kind of service. Three young African-American White House interns were holding their MAGA hats in their hands when their Uber driver arrived—and refused to accept them as passengers.
The bloodthirst is not limited to the hooded hooligans of Antifa—it’s also present in very upscale Trump-hating circles: A woman on Martha’s Vineyard expressed a desire to “stab” liberal lawyer Alan Dershowitz “through the heart” for arguing against a Trump impeachment. Since when do people talk like this? How did this blood-soaked Jacobin-chic become the new normal?
The window of an art gallery in Portland, Oregon, featuring Trump-hating art, had an image painted on the window of Trump being decapitated with a knife, wincing, with blood pouring down his neck. (The gallery did not respond to calls for comment.) When confronted by Trump supporter and journalist Laura Loomer, and many other calls for it to be removed, the gallery owner finally had the window replaced, and moped self-pityingly over how his right to express himself had been denied.
In a 2017 article in The Hill, Mike Isaacson, the leader of an Antifa faction, trumpeted the new ideological embrace of violence:“The justification [of the use of violence] is that Nazi ideology at its very core is founded on violence and on wielding power by any means. There is the question of whether these people should feel safe organizing as Nazis in public, and I don’t think they should.”
The elephantine distortion in this pandemic notion is that Trump supporters are, in effect, Nazis. All conservatives, of all stripes, all libertarians, any and all who are not safely aboard the Trump-hating train are now “Nazis.” We speak of over 60 million Americans, and nobody has yet sought to explain how all these millions of people, never before identified as such, suddenly morphed into Nazis after the election of President Trump—a moderate conservative who prizes open trade and fortified borders, whose daughter has converted to Judaism, and who is a strong supporter of Israel.
Moreover, Trump supporters are conflated with “Nazis” and “fascists” despite being the ones advocating for free speech, a free press, and calling—as in the fast-growing Walk Away movement, for example—for peace, civility, and acceptance of political differences.

None of that matters. A ghost—a boogeyman—is all that is needed to stoke the rage and violence in the name of anti-Trumpism that has swept our nation from coast to coast. The ghost is not Trump himself but media and activist-induced projections of fear and loathing, sui generis.
You can see this from the pattern: No matter what Trump says or does, no matter what good things happen in this country—lowered taxes, a booming economy, plummeting unemployment rates, a detente with North Korea—the haters only become more insistent that the man poses an existential threat to our “Western values” and our “democracy,” and is a “fascist.”
None pause to reflect on the titanic irony that a bonafide fascist makes clear he is a fascist by outlawing and crushing all dissent and criticism against his name.
“I think the media-inciting is the big wave, and then there are paid operatives told to suggest or demand violence,” veteran journalist and author Jon Rappoport, editor of the popular website No More Fake News, said.
Donato Panico was volunteering for Republican Congressman Lee Zeldin on the morning of June 6 when, from his car outside the campaign office, he saw an elderly man and asked him if he needed any help. The man caught sight of the MAGA cap on the seat next to Panico and flew into a homicidal rage, threatening to kill Panico.Panico got out of the car and used it as a shield, trying to, at the same time, calm the man down. As the man sped off, he tried to run Panico over.
“He was just totally crazed,” Panico said in an interview following the incident. This “totally crazed” phenomenon comes over some violent anti-Trump protesters.

We asked Jon Du Toit, co-director of the soon to be released film “Hoaxed,” about lies and the media, where this anger comes from.
“As a Christian who holds a biblical worldview, I think everything we see happening around us finds its origins in the supernatural realm,” Du Toit said.
“So yes, I absolutely believe there is a supernatural element to the violence and division caused by the media. My sense is that it’s in response to the changes America has been experiencing since 2016. These are real changes toward the positive—not the illusion of change that was the hallmark of recent administrations. Spiritual pushback against these changes is to be expected, and they will get worse.
“It’s very easy to tear down [the] façade of civility if you give people a legitimate reason to engage in violence. When the 2016 election didn’t go their way, the media industrial complex (mainstream media, deep state, Big Tech) propagated the Nazi/ fascist/KKK/racist meme as a logically disastrous explanation for why Trump won.
“Nevertheless, it is more than enough justification for unhinged people to act out the violent impulses present within every human being. In other words, it’s okay to #PunchANazi—especially when you get to decide who is or isn’t one.
“The violence will escalate,” he continued. “When you have elected representatives like Maxine Waters egging on supporters to physically confront administration officials, anything can happen. As the left continues to taunt and attack their political opponents, there’s no telling when the right’s patience will run out. There is a limit to how much they’ll take, and the left seems hell bent on finding out.”
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) wasted no time making clear where she stood. Standing in a parking lot, in front of a gaggle of mostly white devotees, she hollered: “And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you call a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere—”
“You ain’t seen nothing yet,” promised the mirthless Ms. Waters.