2 ‘Sudden Collapses’ in China Suspected to Be COVID-19 Deaths

2 ‘Sudden Collapses’ in China Suspected to Be COVID-19 Deaths
Screenshot of a Video Showing a "Sudden Collapse" Case Suspected to a COVID-19 Death on Jan. 11.
Frank Yue

As the Chinese New Year approaches, the COVID-19 pandemic has fortified its momentum with a second wave of outbreaks in a number of Chinese provinces.

Instances of people suffering a “sudden collapse” have resurfaced on the streets, resembling the cases seen in Wuhan and other areas during China’s first wave of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus around the Lunar New Year in 2020.

The latest instance reportedly occurred in Langfang city—one of the hard-hit areas in northern China’s Hebei province.

A Jan. 11 video uploaded on Chinese social media shows a person was lying on the ground motionless, close to a local COVID-19 testing site where many residents were queuing for their turn. The person seemed to be without any vital signs. Three first aiders dressed in full-body protective suits could be seen attempting cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on the patient.

An earlier case took place in Wangkui county in northeastern China’s Heilongjiang province as early as Dec. 25, 2020, according to a Chinese-language video posted on Jan. 15 this year to Chinese social media.

In the video, a person suddenly collapses on the street outside a police security post, near the entrance to a residential community called Runfengyuan in Heilongjiang’s Suihua city. Locals in the area had not realized what a dire situation they were facing until two weeks later on Jan. 9 when CCP virus cases began to erupt, making the county one of China’s hotspots for COVID-19.

Such “sudden collapses,” likely caused by the CCP virus and resulting in death, have been a rare yet horrific phenomenon witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cases of “sudden collapse” have been reportedly seen in Hubei, Anhui, Heilongjiang, Sichuan, Jilin, and Guangdong provinces, as well as in the metropolises of Chongqing and Beijing since the outbreak of the CCP virus in late 2019.

As of press time, there has been no reports of such dreadful incidents on China’s state media.

According to China’s National Health Commission, so far, there has been only one reported COVID-19 death in the past eight months in China. The victim in Hebei province was reported dead on Jan. 13. The previous officially reported death was in Jilin province on May 16, 2020.

China analysts question the government’s official COVID-19 figures, given that CCP virus outbreaks have recently flared up in northern and northeastern China.

Evidence shows that Chinese authorities have censored or deleted posts exposing the true situation regarding the pandemic within China. They have silenced whistleblowers like doctors Li Wenliang and Ai Fen, and detained citizen journalists Fang Bin, Chen Qiushi, and Zhang Zhan, who risked their lives sending initial lifesaving firsthand reports from Wuhan, the epicenter of the pandemic.

The resulting global spread of the CCP virus has since devolved into a humanitarian and economic disaster, claiming more that 2 million lives globally and pushing what is likely to be millions more into poverty.

Frank Yue is a Canada-based journalist for The Epoch Times who covers China-related news. He also holds an M.A. in English language and literature from Tianjin Foreign Studies University, China.
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