By Jason Christoff, Healing the Body
Coffee has become arguably the biggest habit ever known to mankind, and the facts about coffee presented in popular health sites often weight in favour of drinking the black elixir. But is there a “dark side” that isn’t being told, in order to not offend the 250 million drinking coffee across North America alone?
You decide, after you read these 12 facts about coffee.

1. Caffeine is an alkaloid that the coffee plant uses to kill bugs, which eat its seeds. The coffee plant also uses caffeine in the coffee pods to kill surrounding plants, so the coffee plant can attain more sunlight and grow larger. Caffeine is a pesticide, which causes genetic termination in living cells that come into contact with it.
2. MRI images taken before and after 1 cup of coffee showed a decrease in blood flow to the brain by 45%. See the shocking difference, here:
3. Brain imaging studies of chronic coffee drinkers showed they presented the same degradation of their brains as chronic alcoholics, cigarette smokers, Parkinson’s patients and marijuana users. More here: Coffee can cause an urge to move ones’ bowels because this is one way the body tries to eliminate poison from the system.
5. Coffee increases energy via the human fight or flight metabolic response, because the body is afraid of the caffeine based poison. Coffee doesn’t give energy, it removes it from the body. The energy a person feels when they drink coffee is the body going into overdrive because caffeine is a poison and all poisons activate an energy release in the body (fight or flight). Coffee removes energy from the system.
6. When the fight or flight response is triggered in the body, the lower IQ centers of the brain are activated as well as hormonal systems in control of aggression, violence, irrational and illogical decision making, jealousy, rage, anger, fear and paranoia.7. When measured, 1 cup of coffee activated the fight and flight response for 3 consecutive weeks, even though no other caffeine was consumed after that 1 cup of coffee.
8. When coffee (caffeine) is consumed, the limbic part of the brain is hyper activated and the higher learning centers of the mind inhibited. The limbic part of the brain is only concerned with sex, reproduction, protection of territory, food acquisition and personal safety. The limbic portion of the brain is the most primitive and least developed portion of the mind complex. When you want to out smart or dominate another person, it’s best that their limbic system is activated, because it brings them to a mental state equal to that of a child.
9. The birth control pill inhibits clearing of ingested caffeine. This effect is increased dramatically by alcohol or pain killer use, therefore causing many cases of caffeine poisoning, which get treated as other things once the person reaches the hospital.

10. Coffee is proven to cause an enlarged prostate, high anxiety, insomnia, depression, birth defects, pain syndromes, unnatural breathing patterns, brain damage, hyperactivity, learning disorders (from the brain damage) behavior disorders, fatigue, certain types of cancer, Crohns, IBS, colitis, heart disease, headaches, PMS, increased incidence of muscle and tendon injury, joint pain… and that’s a short list.
11. Coffee causes fat gain and cellulite because by triggering the body’s flight or fight system (which any poison or threat does), eventually changes the body’s primary fuel source requirement to one of fat. When the body is threatened, it prefers fat as its primary fuel source, over sugar or protein. Constant activation of the body’s fight or flight system (via the daily ingestion of caffeine poison) aids in a metabolic shift to fat storage and fat conservation, because again the body prefers fat as a fuel source when fighting any toxic intruder. This is because fat contains 9 calories per gram for the fight, as opposed to 4 calories per gram housed by sugar and protein. Welcome to the land of coffee (caffeine) induced fat gain, weight gain and cellulite.
12. Coffee (caffeine) blocks iron absorption, causing the vast majority of anemia today. The entire threat of caffeine in general includes caffeine teas, chocolates, caffeine-based energy drinks, caffeine based pre work out drinks and over 2000 over the counter and prescription medications that PURPOSELY include caffeine. See more on this, here:
13. An investigation conducted by the author of the most extensive book on coffee ever written, reviewed almost every scientific research piece regarding coffee and his conclusion was that there’s absolutely no scientific evidence what so ever that coffee provides any health benefits to the human body, on any level, in any way. He openly declares that any positive promotion of coffee consumption is a blatant lie, doing grave harm to our entire society. The publication of any positive effects of coffee are false and all can be traced back to a very powerful, covert and secret “coffee lobby”, which has both commercial and ruling family origins. The author reviews the research in the book at this added link:
By now, it should be clear that coffee is not all that it is promoted to be, and your health directly suffers. Is it time to rethink this drink?