Reality Can Easily Be Hidden Behind the Blind Spot (Short Videos)

Reality Can Easily Be Hidden Behind the Blind Spot (Short Videos)
Glennys Hyland

1. Assess Your Relationships

Checking the blind spot in your relationships is vital to make sure you surround yourself with the right people. People can come out of nowhere and get close to you, without you really reflecting on where they came from or what their intentions are. Similarly, a car in the highway lane next to you can sneak up behind you and into your blind spot. One minute you are driving, distracted by your podcast, and checking your GPS arrival time, when suddenly you abruptly stop yourself from changing a lane because a car out of nowhere is right next to you. You say to yourself, “Where did he come from?”

I’m Glennys Hyland and I want to encourage you to read my article “Reality Can Easily Be Hidden Behind the Blind Spot.”

2. You Need to Know Your Team to Trust Them

It is extremely important to build a relationship with your team. What are their strengths and weaknesses? How are they interacting among fellow team members? Is there friction, unhealthy competition, or jealously? Are there issues in their own personal life that you might need to be aware of? Do not ignore the signals that indicate a problem or a concern that might be arising.

I’m Glennys Hyland and I want to encourage you to read my article “Reality Can Easily Be Hidden Behind the Blind Spot.”

3. Know When to Make a Change

When considering a move forward or taking a different direction for your organization, an unexpected situation might arise. Therefore, it’s important that your visibility increases to know when it is time to slow down or move ahead to avoid a negative outcome. You must make sure you are making the right move. You can not just assume that as you go, things will eventually fall into the right place, or obstacles will move out of your way on their own. Ignoring a situation or the attitudes and behaviors of your team members, can make things very difficult. I’m Glennys Hyland the author of “I Am Real.”

4. Refusing to See Reality is the First Step to Failure

Never ignore the signals, even if they are not clear. Always be aware of the blind spots. Ask others to check your blind spots by asking for their feedback without being defensive when you realize you missed something. Always, keeping your eyes on the vision, make sure all safety measures are in place, so together with your team, you can successfully accomplish the mission. I’m Glennys Hyland and I want to encourage you to read my article “Reality Can Easily Be Hidden Behind the Blind Spot.”
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Glennys is leading Move the Earth Ministries. She encourages the faith of women through her “Let’s Get Real with Glennys Hyland” YouTube channel and her book “I Am Real.” She provides a safe place for women to find healing and closure through her “Deep and Renew Post-Abortive Biblical Counseling.”
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