Lady Gaga Is a Traditional Italian Girl Who Likes to Meditate and Cook

Lady Gaga Is a Traditional Italian Girl Who Likes to Meditate and Cook
Lady Gaga, right, and Tony Bennett talk during a media event at the Brussels' city hall on Monday Sept. 22 , 2014. (AP Photo/Geert Vanden Wijngaert)
Kristina Skorbach

There’s a lot of things fans know about singer-songwriter Lady Gaga, born Stefani Germanotta. Everyone knows she was raised Catholic, everyone knows she has Italian roots, and everyone knows she likes to make shocking statements with her clothes.

But during her recent Reddit AMA, where fans asked more personal questions about her life, the songstress let in on some of her more unexpected hobbies that she enjoys when not at work.

“I’m really into healing, meditation, and helping to take care of those around me. When I’m not working I’m really a traditional italian girl at heart. I like to cook, keep everyone in a peaceful place, and reflect on the ways I can spread love with every invention,” Gaga said.

In her downtime, when she’s not creating her own music or shooting cameos for films (she starred alongside Jessica Alba and Josh Brolin in this summer’s “Sin City: A Dame to Kill For”), Gaga enjoys other sports with boyfriend Taylor Kinney.

“I also like to shoot beer cans off the porch in PA with my bf, off our camo 4-wheeler. There’s a lot you don’t know![sic]” Gaga wrote.

Fans can definitely expect Gaga to be producing more music in the future as well as see more of her on the big screen.

“I’m just getting started,” she said about her involvement in film. “Looking forward to taking some time to write music and investigate new projects!” Gaga said.

“I’ve written all my songs, sometimes in collaboration with producers. But the melodies and the lyrics, these are my speciality. I LOVE WRITING SONGS, its like breathing fresh air![sic]”

While answering personal questions, Gaga was primarily participating in the AMA session to promote her new jazz album “Cheek to Cheek” where she collaborated with the legendary Tony Bennett. Although Bennett is way out of Gaga’s generational gap, she said working with Bennett was an exciting experience for her whole family.

“My parents are so happy they can barely stand it! They’ve been on the road and by my side every second, with my sister Natali too, and Bobby my manager. We’re all a big family,” she said.

To read the entire AMA, click here.

Kristina Skorbach is a Canadian correspondent based in New York City covering entertainment news.
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