Hong Kong Financier: Hongkongers Are Not China’s Enemies

The Chinese regime shouldn’t see the people of Hong Kong as bitter foes because they are only asking for what has been promised to them.
Hong Kong Financier: Hongkongers Are Not China’s Enemies

The Chinese regime shouldn’t see the people of Hong Kong as bitter foes, says a local financier, because they are only asking for what has been promised to them.

Hedge fund manager Edward Chin believes that most Hongkongers are happy to stay a part of the mainland under former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping’s “one country, two systems” model and the Basic Law, Hong Kong’s mini-constitution.

That’s what the “10 requests” made by a group of pro-democracy Hong Kong finance professionals to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) really are about.

It's important for Beijing to know that our requests are not something out of the ordinary
Edward Chin, Hong Kong financier

Mainland business practices are starting to affect Hong Kong's business sector.

A new army cadet group set up by the People’s Liberation Army garrison base in Hong Kong seemed to be formed on the model of the White Paper. The group came under fire because its recruits had to swear an oath to “build up Hong Kong” and “serve the motherland.”

But Hongkongers do love China and its culture, says Chin.

They just “might not love the CCP” and its treatment of the Chinese people and dissidents, as well as the lack of a proper justice system and human rights.

And now, Chin says, Hongkongers are “public enemy no. 1” in the eyes of the Chinese regime.

Of course things could change if Xi Jinping heeds 2047 HK Finance Monitor’s “request”—allow proper democratic reform in Hong Kong, which would serve as a “blueprint” for “China’s progress towards democracy.”

Larry Ong is a New York-based journalist with Epoch Times. He writes about China and Hong Kong. He is also a graduate of the National University of Singapore, where he read history.
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