Videos of the Day: New Migrant Caravan Sets Out From Honduras for the United States

Epoch Newsroom
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A new migrant caravan left Honduras late on Jan. 14 as another wave of migrants tries to make it to the United States to claim asylum or illegally cross the border and disappear into the country.

Thousands of migrants worked their way through Central America and Mexico to reach the U.S.-Mexico border in 2018, resulting in multiple clashes with American Border Patrol agents. Some migrants snuck into the United States while others waited and entered through official entrances to claim asylum. Still, others turned back home or were deported by Mexico or the United States.

The first group in the new caravan left San Pedro Sula’s bus station Monday night, taking buses headed to the Honduras-Guatemala border.

Others trudged along on foot under a steady rain.

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White House Serves College Football Champs Fast Food as Staff Remain on Furlough

U.S. President Donald Trump paid for a White House feast for the visiting Clemson Tigers during the ongoing government shutdown on Jan. 14.

With the White House chefs furloughed as Trump fights with Congress over funding the federal government, Trump catered “great American food” for the winners of the U.S. college football championship.

Serving platters in the State Dining Room were heaped high with McDonald’s quarter pounders and the red-and-white burger wrappers from Wendy’s.

Guests select fast food that the president purchased for a ceremony honoring the 2018 College Football Playoff National Champion Clemson Tigers in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, on Jan. 14, 2019. (Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)
Guests select fast food that the president purchased for a ceremony honoring the 2018 College Football Playoff National Champion Clemson Tigers in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, on Jan. 14, 2019. (Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)

“We have pizzas, we have 300 hamburgers, many, many french fries, all of our favorite foods,” Trump told reporters, as one White House worker still on the job lit tapered candles.

The Clemson team’s visit is its second since Trump took office.

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Macron Says No Taboo Subjects as He Launches Debate to Calm “Yellow Vests”

French President Emmanuel Macron promised there would be no taboo topics in his two-month national debate launched on Jan. 15, in response to the “yellow vest” movement which has rocked his presidency in recent weeks.

Macron Said: “All the questions are open ones. I listed 35 and I promise they will receive a concrete response. But if there are other intelligent questions that come up on topics which I hadn’t noticed, they will also be taken into account. There can’t be any taboo topics as we’re talking. ”

The debate will focus on four themes: taxes, green energy, institutional reform, and citizenship.

Massive, Spinning Ice Disc Forms in River—Cool!

A very unusual and impressive sight took shape in Maine this week:

A nearly perfect disc of ice—forming in the Presumpscot River. The massive ice disc drew curious onlookers to the banks of the river. It’s not clear how or exactly when it formed.

According to an official with the city of Westbrook, the disc is roughly 100 yards across and is spinning in a counterclockwise direction. That same official captured this breathtaking drone footage of the amazing sight.