Democrat David Cicilline to Retire From Congress In June

Democrat David Cicilline to Retire From Congress In June
House Impeachment manager David Cicilline (D-R.I.) speaks on the Senate floor in Washington on Feb. 10, 2021. via Getty Images
Joseph Lord

Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) will resign from Congress in June in order to begin running a Rhode Island-based foundation.

The story was originally reported by the Boston Globe. Cicilline’s office confirmed the report in an emailed statement to the Epoch Times.
In a statement announcing the resignation, Cicilline’s office said: “Today, Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI), currently serving his seventh term in the United States House of Representatives, announced he has been selected to lead the Rhode Island Foundation as its President and CEO and will be leaving elected office effective June 1, 2023.”
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In its “About” page, the Rhode Island Foundation describes its mission as a fundamentally charitable organization to support the financial needs of destitute Rhode Islanders.

“For more than 100 years, the Rhode Island Foundation has been dedicated to improving the lives of Rhode Islanders,” the website reads. “We partner with generous individuals, families, organizations, and corporations that share our commitment to the state, as well as with nonprofit organizations that provide the ‘boots-on-the-ground’ services that make Rhode Island a better place to live, work, and play.”

Cicilline said of his decision to leave Congress, “Serving the people of Rhode Island’s First Congressional District has been the honor of my lifetime.”

“As President and CEO of one of the largest and oldest community foundations in the nation, I look forward to expanding on the work I have led for nearly thirty years in helping to improve the lives of all Rhode Islanders,” he continued.

“For more than a decade, the people of Rhode Island entrusted me with a sacred duty to represent them in Congress, and it is a responsibility I put my heart and soul into every day to make life better for the residents and families of our state. The chance to lead the Rhode Island Foundation was unexpected, but it is an extraordinary opportunity to have an even more direct and meaningful impact on the lives of residents of our state. The same energy and commitment I brought to elected office, I will now bring as CEO of the Rhode Island Foundation, advancing their mission to ensure all Rhode Islanders can achieve economic security, access quality, affordable healthcare, and attain the education and training that will set them on a path to prosperity.

“I am extremely grateful for the support of the people of the First Congressional District, my dedicated staff, and the help of the many organizations and individuals that I have had the privilege to partner with over the past twelve years. While my role will change in the months ahead, my commitment to serving Rhode Islanders will remain as strong as ever as I lead the Rhode Island Foundation through this next exciting period of transformational change in our state.”

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Cicilline’s retirement will slightly enhance the power of the GOP majority for a time.

Currently, Republicans hold 222 votes to Democrats’ 212.

After Cicilline steps down from office, it will be up to the governor of Rhode Island to call a special election to fill the spot.

In his most recent reelection bid in 2022, Cicilline won 63.8 percent of the vote to Republicans’ 36.2 percent. Thus, it is unlikely that Cicilline’s retirement will end in a GOP takeover of the seat.