Trump Slams Cuomo for Saying America ‘Was Never That Great’

Trump Slams Cuomo for Saying America ‘Was Never That Great’
Gov. Andrew Cuomo speaks to the press during the New York Democratic convention at Hofstra University on May 23, 2018 in Hempstead, New York. (Kevin Hagen/Getty Images)
Bowen Xiao

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s disparaging comment about the United States sparked a firestorm on Aug. 15, drawing criticism from all across the political spectrum, led by President Donald Trump.

“‘WE’RE NOT GOING TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, IT WAS NEVER THAT GREAT.’ Can you believe this is the Governor of the Highest Taxed State in the U.S., Andrew Cuomo, having a total meltdown!” Trump wrote on Aug 15.

Cuomo, who is a frequent and vocal critic of the president, had taken a jab at Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan at a bill-signing event in Manhattan.

“We’re not going to ’make America great again,'” Cuomo, who is a Democrat, said at the event. “It was never that great. We have not reached greatness. We will reach greatness when every American is fully engaged.”

His comment drew an audible reaction from the crowd—both gasps and cheers were heard.
Later, Cuomo, who this year is seeking a third term as governor, responded to the president’s post.

“What you say would be ‘great again’ would not be great at all. ... We will not go back to discrimination, segregation, sexism, isolationism, racism or the KKK,” Cuomo wrote on Twitter. “Like NY’s motto says: Excelsior — Ever Upward (not backward).”

The governor’s press secretary, Dani Lever, clarified Cuomo’s comments, adding that Cuomo doesn’t agree with the president.

“The governor believes America is great and that her full greatness will be fully realized when every man, woman, and child has full equality,” Lever said in a statement. “America has not yet reached its maximum potential.”


“America, with its imperfections, has always been great,” Marcus Molinaro, a GOP gubernatorial candidate, responded in a statement. “Our people, our principles, and our promises have been a beacon light to the world for 242 years and counting.”

Molinaro continued by calling for the governor to apologize, adding that he should be “ashamed of himself.”

Former actress Cynthia Nixon, Cuomo’s Democratic primary opponent, told NY1, “I think this is just another example of Andrew Cuomo trying to figure out what a progressive sounds like and missing by a mile.”
Bowen Xiao was a New York-based reporter at The Epoch Times. He covers national security, human trafficking and U.S. politics.
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